Chapter 25

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The following morning, Natalia awoke with a hollow feeling in her stomach and a pounding headache.

She had several missed calls from Thomas, one from Bastian and a few text messages from Cat.

She didn't remember coming home, but she saw her dress laying haphazardly at the foot of her bed, and felt the emotional roller coaster of the previous night crash down on her tired, aching body.

After chugging a bottle of water and some painkillers, Natalia shuffled into the bathroom, where she rinsed off the make up and hairspray, also trying to wash away the memories of Hope and Nick.

She dried herself off and put on leggings and a flannel shirt, finally feeling moderately human. She also tended to her phone while trying to decide what to consume.

The texts from Cat were reminding her where she left her keys (on the dresser next to her bed) and one from this morning telling her to check Bild.

Oh no.

Natalia turned on the TV and sure enough, there were several images of her.

Nutritionist? Or home wrecker? Our favorite Bayern Munich staffer looked stunning at a fundraising gala last night, but was photographed leaving with her coworker and friend (the only Bastian Schweinsteiger) before getting knocked down by Hope Wiell, Thomas Müllers latest fling. Is there trouble in paradise? Or is Natalia Klein getting too big for her britches?

The text was accompanied by pictures of her in the dress, and by a blurry photo that hardly looked like anything, but there were distinct outlines of 4 people, and one of them was certainly getting slapped.

Natalia put her head down on her kitchen counter briefly, before hearing a soft knock on her door. She padded over and opened it to reveal Thomas, carrying a bag of what Natalia assumed to be food.

"Hi," he said simply, "Peace offering," he said holding up a bag of food.

"Hi," Natalia said ushering him in, and following him to the kitchen where he opened the grocery bag to reveal a carton of eggs, assorted vegetables, and a loaf of bread.

"Sit," he said, "My turn to take care of you," he said with a smile.

After brewing a pot of tea and letting Natalia consume a portion of her meal (vegetable omelet, with toast), Thomas cleared his throat.

"So last night..." he began

"I'm sorry," Natalia said quickly, with a mouth full of bread.

"What do you have to be sorry about?" Thomas asked wiping crumbs from her mouth with his thumb.

"She cornered me in the bathroom, and I let her," Natalia said putting down her fork for a moment, "She wasn't your battle."

"Yes but she was really rude to you," Thomas said, "Besides I told you, we weren't that serious. She just..."

"Was hot, I get it," Natalia said staring down at her plate.

"I heard you had another confrontation," Thomas said expectantly raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, well Nick turned out to be a complete creep," Natalia said holding her head in her palm.

"Cat was also beating them off with a stick," Thomas told her, stealing a bit of toast off of her plate.

"I'm never going to a fundraiser again," Natalia said rubbing her temples, still trying to get rid of the groggy sensation.

"Natalia," Thomas said seriously, "I'm sorry about Hope. And I'm sorry for not talking to you, I don't want to do that again. Not talking to you...wasn't fun," he said putting his hand on hers.

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