Chapter 27

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Twenty three days later, Natalia was pacing anxiously in her apartment. A brief visit home, during which she confessed what happened to Tanya, who was just delighted, and putting in a few hours at work, and hanging out with Cat was the best solution she could think of for taking her mind off of what happened the last time her and Thomas were together. We KISSED. And then he LEFT. And we did NOT talk about it.

Every time she was left alone, her mind wandered. What if he thinks it was a mistake. What if I misinterpreted every thing. What if he comes back and decided he changed his mind?

She then would mentally slap herself. Listen to yourself, Klein. Since when have you ever let a man pull the rug out from under you like this? Pull. Yourself. Together.

The internal monologues were giving her whiplash.

They exchanged brief text messages and phone calls during his down time, which unfortunately wasn't often. Neither of them mentioned the kiss, but Thomas made sure he mentioned after every game that he was keeping his promise of "winning for her".

After a very successful international stint, the team traveled doing promotional and charity work and they were now finally excused for vacation.

Thomas promised to come back to Munich before visiting his family, moreover he promised to see Natalia again.

"So what are you guys going to do?" Cat asked as Natalia vented aboutall of her feelings to her on the phone.

"He wants me to make him dinner, he says he's had enough of hotel food for a while," Natalia said biting her fingers and checking on the chicken roasting in the oven for the millionth time.

"Nat," Cat said soothingly, "Thomas loves your cooking, and you guys will just fall into place, trust me. Just with more sex," she joked.

"Well that's not even something I thought about," Natalia said peeking into another steaming pot that contained potatoes that she was waiting to drain and mash, "But thanks, now I have one more thing to be worried about."

"You'll be fine," Cat said keeping her soothing tone, "If you don't want to have sex with him tonight, you don't have to. You guys have known each other for almost a year. You're like starting out on date number 50," she said reasonably.

"He won't expect it?" Natalia asked anxiously, poking some green beans she was steaming.

"No! Absolutely not. Thomas is a gentleman. Although how you can resist jumping those bones, I do not know," Cat said a smirk evident in her voice.

"What about you and Erik?" Natalia said momentarily forgetting her nerves.

"He's coming over soon," Cat said loftily.

"Did you cook anything nice?" Natalia asked draining the now tender potatoes.

"Nope, I just bought new lingerie," Cat admitted to the sounds of Natalia's laughter.

Just then a knock came from her door.

"Oh my god," Natalia said nearly dropping her phone into the sink.

"He's there isn't he?" Cat said quickly, "Okay, Natalia, listen to me, you'll be fine. He'll kiss you, you'll talk, you'll eat, it'll be just like old times," Cat said rapidly before Natalia bid her goodbye and walked towards the door.

She smoothed her top, and wondered if she should have dressed up any more. Since they were staying in she settled on leggings, a flowy strapless top, and a woven cardigan. Should I change? I have a black dress he hasn't seen me in. Don't be ridiculous. Open the door. Breathe. Wait. Does your breath smell? Perfume? Ready? Okay.

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