Chapter 11

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Bayern Munich's arrival in Munich was scary to say the least. They pulled up in a large tour bus to their hotel, which was surrounded by a large amount of fans. Cat was wringing her hands in her lap.

"Have you told any of them about Erik?" Natalia asked her on their way to the hotel.

Cat shook her head, "Naomi and Pep know, but the rest of the players have no idea."

Now they were in Dortmund, but the longest leg of their journey seemed to be the 10 feet from the bus to the door of the hotel. The mass of people pushing and shoving, and the flashing lights was not surprising, but somehow Natalia thought she would avoid the throng of people.

"Put in headphones, keep your eyes straight, and hang back from the rest of us," Thomas suggested as he walked past Cat and Naomi off the bus, "You'll be fine"

Natalia and Cat followed the medical team off the bus; they were close to the last people, followed only by Pep, who drew most of the attention away from them. The crowd was deafening, pushing and yelling, and stepping on toes. They were struggling to make their way through the crowd, when Natalia was shoved, hard, by a photographer who was trying to get to Pep behind her.

Trying to hold onto Cat, Natalia fell, and tried to take a breath when she realized she couldn't. Her lungs screamed in pain, refusing to inflate, while she clutched where she was hit. Shit shit shit you got the wind knocked out of you ok try again. After a few more agonizing seconds, Natalia inhaled, this time successfully, and was helped to her feet by a concerned Cat.

They were ushered into the hotel by security quickly—Natalia's fall did not go unnoticed, several cameras drew their attention from Pep to the trampled Natalia.

In the hotel lobby, Natalia promptly sat down on a suitcase and focused on shallow breaths, still remembering the pain and panic of the crowd.

"What happened?" a concerned Thomas stood over Natalia who drank water handed to her by Cat. Manuel stood close by, wringing his hands.

"She got the wind knocked out of her by some pap," Cat said angrily, "They're savages, do you see how much shorter we are from the rest of you?!"

"Are you okay, Natalia?" Pep said walking through the front doors and making a beeline for her, "I saw it happen, we got his name, and we're filing a complaint, they're not supposed to touch anyone."

"I'm fine, I feel stupid. Sorry for causing a scene," Natalia said blushing, hard.

"Don't be ridiculous, that could have happened to anyone," Thomas said comfortingly while Manuel picked up her bags in addition to his own.

"Let's go they've handed out room keys," Manuel said, handing Cat their room key.

Natalia stood up again, and saw dark spots in front of her eyes, but blinked them away. Come on Nat, just get to bed.

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