Chapter 39

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Natalia smoothed her blouse as she got out of her car and walked into the Allianz training ground. She had a meeting with Cat, Pep, and Naomi about the future of the medical team, and her future. She made sure to avoid the training changing rooms and practice fields—Thomas didn't know about her meeting.

"Thank you for setting up this meeting, Naomi," Natalia said carefully, after greeting them.

"Of course Natalia, we want to support you even through the hardest times," Naomi said kindly.

"As you may or may not know," Natalia started and cleared her throat, "You might, it's been all over the news," she cleared her throat again, "I've been made my nephew's guardian. His grandparents' and all of our extended family remain in London and do not seem to be willing to move here. I'm incapable of raising him alone..." Natalia's voice drifted off.

"Nat, are you leaving?" Cat asked mildly dumbfounded.

"I don't want to leave, I really don't," Natalia said staring at her hands, "I realize this is no way to hand in a resignation, but I need to consider Jamie now."

"Natalia, you'll be a serious loss," Pep said quietly, looking at Naomi.

"I will be resigning as well at the end of the season," Naomi said looking at the two girls, "I've enjoyed working here, but I'm moving on to future projects," she said diplomatically as Pep rolled his eyes. She could feel the tension between Pep and Naomi as they exchanged glares.

"So now what," Cat said looking around the whole table, "That's two thirds of the nutrition team."

"We'll be interviewing new medics as well," Pep said somberly, "That team has moved on as well. Catherine, Naomi will train you for her position, and we will hire new nutritionists at the end of the season. Natalia we will of course write you recommendations for wherever you want to go. We have an excellent working relationship with Arsenal, I can give their management a call."

"This isn't the way I wanted to get promoted," Cat confessed to Natalia after their meeting was over and they walked to their cars.

"This isn't the way I wanted to leave," Natalia said shaking her head.

"What does Thomas think?"

"I haven't told him," Natalia confessed, "I don't want him to be upset,"

"Nat, he's going to be upset. You're the love of his life," Cat protested.

"I just don't see how we can stay together," Natalia said feeling her heart break a bit more, "I don't want any of this. In an ideal world my sister would still be alive and I would be here, starting a life with Thomas, but that's just not a possibility right now," she said carefully.

"I know, love, I know. It just sucks," Cat said hugging her tightly, "You should tell him though, before someone else does,"

"I'll tell him tonight," Natalia promised.

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