Chapter 12

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The next day, the bruise had taken on a purple coloration, and was significantly sorer. Natalia and Cat were up earlier than the team to supervise kitchen staff for breakfast. When the rest of the team joined them for breakfast, Natalia dropped a napkin, and bit her lip when bending over to pick it up, which earned her concerned glances from everyone around her.

"I'm fine," Natalia said exasperatedly, "You're all acting like I'm porcelain, I'll be fine," she said loudly.

Natalia noticed Manuel in particular, wincing at her last sentence. Natalia shot him a quick glare, he's the one who turned me down. He's not allowed to be all hurt.

Natalia stabbed her egg with her fork, watching the yolk flood the plate, before she began dipping her toast in it.

Cat cleared her throat as conversation quieted down, "So you guys know I'm from here," she said speaking in English, for Natalia's benefit.

"Yes, so you'll secretly be supporting Dortmund, we know," Bastian said dryly.

"Well yes, but," Cat cleared her throat, "You should all know I," she paused, and looked at Natalia, who nodded in encouragement, "I'm seeing someone on the team," she said quickly but clearly.

Most of the table turned to stare at her, while she flushed a deep shade of red.

"Who?" Thomas finally said, looking slightly dumbfounded.

"Erik Durm," Cat said quietly, but smiling.

"Oh I love Durm!" Bastian said sweetly, smiling at Cat, who finally took a deep breath, "He's such a nice boy, good for you Cat, good for you."

"Thanks Basti," Cat said, smiling down at her plate, seemingly relieved.

"You're not seeing anyone on the opposing team, are you Natalia?" Arjen accused jokingly.

"Yes. Marco Reus and I are actually betrothed," Natalia responded playfully, staring at Mario, who shook his head.

"Should we be worried about getting poisoned?" Arjen asked Cat, still smiling.

She shook her head, "I love Erik, but I still want you guys to do the best you can. And if that means kicking my hometown teams butt, and by extension my boyfriends butt, that's okay."

"Hear hear!" Pep, who was listening quietly, suddenly said loudly surprising many around the table.

Several hours later, the team arrived at Signal Iduna Park.

"It's certainly a lot uglier than Allianz, isn't it," Natalia said in an undertone to Cat, who shrugged.

"I always thought it looked still under construction with the cranes," she admitted as they walked into the belly of the stadium to the locker rooms.

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