Chapter 17

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Natalia stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was dressed in jeans, Chelsea rain boots thanks to the unpredictable London weather, and a warm sweater. She was to meet Marco's friend from college, Brian, at a café for coffee.

"This is a good thing!" Cat had said when Natalia told her about it, "He sounds really great, and honestly even if he's not, you're getting over Manuel."

"I know, I'm just anxious," Natalia responded, several hours beforehand, staring at her flat hair in the mirror, willing for it to do something other than drape limply on her shoulders. She was hopeful about going out on 'dates'. She had several boyfriends in secondary school and uni, but no one that gave her the heart wrenching, stomach dropping feeling so many of her friends cited when they really loved someone. And not one of them was happy about breaking it off, she didn't speak with any of her ex boyfriends, "I'm no good at first dates. Fifth, sixth dates, I'm great, but I don't make a wonderful first impression."

"Don't sell yourself short, liebe," Cat replied soothingly, "Just be the best you and fate will decide the rest."

With this advice in mind, Natalia made her way to the café, trying to ignore her sweaty clammy palms. He better not try to hold my hand. He'll just be disgusted by my gross fish-hands.

"Natalia?" a tan, average height man greeted her outside of the café, "Hi." He said shaking her hand (yikes), "I'm Brian."

"Hi," Natalia responded with a smile taking in his appearance. To say he was good looking was an understatement. His sharp features were more pronounced thanks to some well-shaped facial hair, and his eyes were pools of green. I want to swan dive into your face. Natalia thought for a moment before realizing a blush spread to her cheeks. Smooth. Make yourself beet red thirty seconds in.

"Marco didn't really tell me much about you," Natalia began after they sat down, coffees in hand. Cue nervous heart pounding. Just don't blush again.

"Well I'm a doctor," Brian said to which Natalia nodded good naturedly, but felt her heart rate speed up.

Oh my god. I will purposefully get sick just to see you. But then you'd see me all sniffly and disgusting. Never mind. Whatever. It should be illegal to be that good looking and be a doctor.

"GP?" Natalia asked, sipping her coffee, trying not to stare at him excessively. Good. Stay cool, Nat.

"ER doctor, specifically," he said taking a sip of his own coffee, "Mostly I just pull objects from people's bodies," he joked earning a snort of laughter from Natalia. Cute.

"What's the weirdest thing you've pulled then?" she asked intrigued, to which Brian gave a short laugh and motioned to her upper lip.

"What?" Natalia said blankly staring at him.

"You've got a bit of foam, just there," he replied motioning to his own upper lip.

ALERT THE MEDIA, Natalia Klein's face can now be seen as a beacon of red from space! Brought to you buy too-fit-to-be-real doctor Brian pointing out a froth mustache. Brilliant!

"Oh," Natalia managed to squeak out before Brian, smiled coyly, while reaching across the table and wiped her lip with his napkin.

"Cheers," Natalia said quietly, trying not to glance at the door to see how quickly she could make an exit.

"Once I pulled a little green army figure from a 7 year olds nose," Brian described returning to Natalia's previous question, seemingly undisturbed by Natalia's faux pas, "His older brother told him some cock and bull story about how he could become one if he did that," a smile grew on his handsome face.

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