Chapter 36

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Marco and Tanya decided to come to Munich directly to pick up Jamie, and explore the city themselves before heading back to London with Natalia's parents.

The four of them gathered in Natalia's car and drove to the airport, jabbering about lunch plans since they were not often all gathered together.

Upon their arrival at the airport, security was unusually tight. Jamie's carrier had to go through the metal detector twice, and Natalia was scrutinized by an unfriendly security guard who recognized her from the tabloid.

"Are you alright love?" her mother asked, gathering Jamie's diaper bag and shoes after they entered the terminal.

"Yes, I'm fine Mama," Natalia said trying to ignore the nagging feeling in her stomach.

At the arrivals board, they noticed a "See Arrivals Attendant" listed next to Tanya and Marco's flight to Barcelona.

"They had thunderstorms this morning, maybe it's delayed," Natalia's father said absentmindedly looking at his phone.

"Hello, my sister and her husband were on the flight from Barcelona. The board says to see you?" Natalia said with a smile to the attendant behind the desk.

"Their names?" the attendant said looking at the four of them skeptically.

"Tanya and Marco Lewis," Natalia said quickly to the attendant, trying to gather any information from the attendants facial features.

"And your relationship to them?" The attendant asked glancing up at her.

"I'm Tanya's sister, this is their son, and these are our parents," Natalia said her eyebrows furrowing, "What is going on?" Natalia said noticing a camera crew unloading their equipment outside of the terminal windows.

"Please follow me," the attendant said standing up, her hips swaying as she lead them through a series of doors and tunnels. Natalia led the way with Jamie perched on her hip, and her parents clutched each other. They were silent as they walked, realizing this could not be anything good.

Did you get them yet? A text message from Thomas read

No somethings going on at the airport Natalia responded quickly as they were ushered into a room with chairs, and a small stage set up. Several other people were gathered there, looking equally as confused.

A speaker walked in through the back door, dressed impeccably in a navy blue suit, a mop of grey hair on his head. He wiped his brow, and glanced down at a sheet of paper in his shaking hands.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the speaker began to speak, "You are all family and friends of people on Flight 889 from Barcelona to Munich. The flight took off on time from Barcelona International Airport. About 30 minutes into the flight, we lost contact with the pilots. Smoke streams were spotted over the Alps and local law enforcement is en route to the location now. This is all of the information we have now," the speaker said anticlimactically. Everyone in the room fell silent. Even Jamie seemed to realize that the situation was serious and sat quietly in Natalia's lap as she blinked and tried to process the information.

"Did the plane crash?" someone said finally breaking the silence.

"We believe so," the speaker said carefully, "But we don't know for sure."

At this, Natalia's mother broke down into tears in the seat next to her while Natalia felt an immense pain in her chest, and deafness in her ears. Incoherent thoughts ran through her head as she tried to piece together what she heard.

Plane crash.

Tanya and Marco.


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