ONE| the life of a pogue

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EDEN'S eyes fluttered open, sunlight washing over her dazed face, making her eyes squint.   She blinked slowly before squinting them again, waiting a moment for the sunlight to pass over her, before fully, but lazily, opening them.

Morning already. 

Her brows creased together as she tried to remember where she actually was.  With the amount of sunlight pouring into her face, it must be John B's.  Why else would she hear a rooster crowing, or the soft breathing of—who she could only assume to be—JJ.

That had been a problem ever since she got comfortable in John B's home—forgetting where she'd spent the night.  It was actually getting her in a lot of trouble from her own parents.  Eden would leave without warning, and wouldn't make a show until two days later.   Sure, when she said it out loud, it did sound bad.   Who would want their parents to worry like that?  

Eden Bexley, that's who.  But, it wasn't entirely her fault that her parents were worried about her wherabouts.  They should know better by now.  If she wasn't at her own house, she was hanging at the beach, or at Kie's family restaurant, or at John B's—like she was now.  It's not like she was ever in harms way—okay, maybe if JJ did something risky, she could be—but, 99% of the time, she was perfectly safe with the Pogues.

Eden lazily turned her head, slowly tapping her phone screen with her fingers to reveal the time.  8:55.   Her eyes then landed on the missed call's from her mother, trailing all the way back to  3am.   She slightly groaned, grabbing her phone and pulling up her mother's contact.  These calls would last until she came home if she didn't give her mom some sort of closure.

Except, she couldn't call.  According to the lack of function, there was no service available at the moment. That's when Eden suddenly recalled the Hurricane—Agatha, wasn't it?—that had taken place overnight.  She'd been so high, and so tired, she must have totally blacked out.

"Shit." she muttered, rolling her head back towards the side.  She let out a sigh, slowly sitting up, making sure not to bump against the blonde boy sleeping next to her.  If there wasn't any signal, she wouldn't be able to call her mom.  Perfect.

A low, and tired sounding voice sounded from behind her. "G'morning, Ed."  John B. appeared, looking ever so tired, and slightly annoyed.   Eden looked up at her long time friend, giving a small smile as he passed by her over to the blonde boy.  "Sleep okay with the storm?"

"Sup, JB. I actually didn't even realize it happened." Eden yawned slightly, grabbing her phone and standing up.  "She must have hit hard, though,—" She held her phone up for reference, "—no service."

"Is your mom going frantic yet?" he asked, running a hand through his slightly messy hair. 

"Oh, she's called over twenty times since I fell asleep." 

John B. then slapped the blonde boy on the ass, trying to see if he was actually up or not. "Yo, JJ, you been outside?"

"I have polio, bro. I can't walk." JJ muttered in response, eyes still closed as if he was trying to savor as much sleep as he possibly could with the—slightly less—amount of sun filtering in. He'd gotten the better spot on the couch, anyway. The one closest to the door that didn't allow as much window sun in.

John B. rolled his eyes, walking out to his front yard to get a good view of what damage Agatha had done to everything.  As his eyes met the sight of his boat—the HMS Pogue—buried among branches and bushes, he let own a small sigh. "Oh, man.  That's no good.  That is not good."

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now