ELEVEN| the warrant

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EDEN smiled at a customer as he exited the store, bag of items in hand.  Though he sent a smile back, she could see his gaze set on the bandage that had been stuck on to her nose.  God did she hate that bandage. Once the customer had left, she turned to look at the girl who'd insisted she have it on, "Are you sure this bandage is necessary? Everyone is giving me a weird look."

Kiara gave her a pointed look, "Well, if it's bruised, like I'm sure it is, it's better that no one sees.  Then you are sure to get more than just a few looks, especially because of your mom.  The last thing we need is someone asking what happened."

"Isla's going to ask what happened no matter what." Eden sighed, standing aside so the Carrera could take her place at the register.  They'd been rotating positions at the register ever since they arrived at Heywards.  He'd claimed that since they'd kidnapped Pope a few days back, they'd have to make up for his missing work by helping out—not like any of them truly minded.

Since John B. was still M.I.A—Eden had spammed him overnight without having him even see her messages—everyone but him had shown up to help Pope at the shop.  The two girls were at the register, JJ was organizing items and the Heyward boy was collecting cash from exporters.

Kiara gave a shrug, "You lie to your mom all the time."

"Yeah, but I've never had to explain a bruised nose before." the Bexley replied.

"I don't know, just tell her JJ bit your elbowed or something."

JJ's head perked up at the sound of his name, "What did I ever do to you, Kie? Besides, Isla already hates me enough as it is, I don't think hearing that I elbowed her daughter's nose is gonna get me any closer to the good books."

"The day you're in my moms good books is the day hell freezes over." Eden dryly stated, causing Kie to give a nod of agreement.  At the mention of his friend's nose, Pope's face slightly fell.  He'd been anxious about the fight that had gone down all night, and was scared of what could happen.  Fighting with Kooks was enough, but the fact that Eden had pulled a gun was even worse.  They could get in so much trouble.

JJ noticed his friends falter as he walked past them, money in hand, "Don't let it get to your head, bro. There was three of them and two of us. That's typical Kook shit right there." He tossed a lemon up and down in the air as he spoke.

"Hell yeah," Kie chimed in.

"What was your thought process, using your head?" JJ asked next, slightly amused as he relived the previous night in his mind. 

Pope wasn't as enthusiastic, "I don't know, man.  I just kinda acted off instinct, alright?  I was a cornered animal."

"Self defense," Eden nodded.

Ending the conversation,  Pope's father  walked in, a rather serious—even for Heyward—expression on his face, "Hey, Pope, someone's here to see you."  All four of the teens looked behind Heyward to see Deputy Shoupe, giving the boy he was here to see a disappointed and down cast look.


All four Pogues shared a glance before Pope spoke up, "Evening, Officer."

Shoupe didn't give into any small talk and got to the chase at once, pulling out a sheet of paper and hand it to the boys father as he spoke, "I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property." 


At those words, Pope looked back at the blonde boy whose eyes showed no emotion whatsoever.  Kie put her hands up, and Eden looked between her friend and the deputy, watching as he crossed towards them. "Keep your hands on the counter where I can see 'em."

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now