THIRTY-FOUR| charleston bound

89 2 57

THE first tests of the school year were never too difficult. 

Eden sits relaxed at her desk, Airpods in yet again as she stares down at the sheet of paper in front of her —some test on Diocletian, whom the Bexley had only listened half about. She hadn't had much time to study between almost drowning and watching a murder in the rain, but looking down at the questions, Eden felt decently confident with the answers summoning up in her mind. 

She lightly scribbled down answers and paragraphs, trying her best to recall the words Mr. Sunn had spewed the previous days. She's sure Pope is passing with flying colors, Kiara doing decently where as JJ is probably failing, confused and regretting the fact that he was sleeping instead of studying.

Her point if further proved when her music cuts out, signaling that a text had been sent to her.

Eden sighs and looks at Mr. Sunn—who's busy on his computer—before pulling her phone from her pocket, keeping it low inside of her desk in case her teacher was to look. Her fingernail taps against her screen and it lights up to show a text message from none other than JJ Maybank sitting atop of her background. 

With a deadpanned expression, the girl looks to her side at the blonde boy—sitting next to JJ was both a blessing and a sin at the same time. He met her gaze and nodded towards his phone, which was also sat in his lap, signaling for her to check the text message.

Eden rolls her eyes and opens the message.

pain in my ass: 

what's the answer to  3 pretty please 

The Bexley girl had already known the category in which the question would have been placed before he even sent it, and lightly shook her head as she read it. Since elementary school, JJ had been cheating off of Eden—she'd always get texts from him in the middle of classes if they shared it, or would spam her questions until she googled the answers for him if they didn't.  

Eden replies back; Why should I grace you with my answers. You had the chance to join the group study Google Meet we did when we got home last night but didn't so this is your own downfall.

pain in my ass: 

because you love me.

also that google meet was at like 2am so it was a hard pass.

She types; I really wish I didn't.

The girl spares a glance at Mr. Sunn yet again before sliding her paper down to her lap. She raises her phone and snaps a quick photo of the front sheet of the test before sending it to the Maybank without a second thought—she always gave him shit about studying, but would always provide answers. She doesn't care if it's "unfair"

pain in my ass

you didn't need to send the whole page but okay

actually hold up

okay i failed the whole front page so actually thanks

Eden looks over at JJ for a moment, who's writing down the Bexley's answers, eyes darting back and forth between his test and phone, which was still hidden in his lap.

 From the corner of his eye, JJ notices her looking, and when they make eye contact, Eden mouths the word, "Dumbass.

The blonde boy flicks up his middle finger at her from below his desk, but quickly puts it away when the door opens.

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now