THIRTY-EIGHT| keeping up with the pogues

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THE boat ride back to the OBX was a high like no other.

Leaning against the edge of the boat, wind whipping her hair about freely as the sun soaked into her skin, Eden listened and commented as Sarah and John B. retold what happened in Nassau, smiling and frowning at every detail. She was curious on what her two friends had been doing. 

The boat did indeed capsize at sea with the tropical storm, but John B. and Sarah managed to survive the wild waters—bracelets and all—and were saved by a cargo ship which happened to be near. On board were Nassau locals Terrance, Cleo and Stubbs, who offered to get them to the main land and help only to back stab them and inform the police about the two's fugitive status.

The two teens ran and ended up finding refuge in a luxury hotel roof, which Sarah managed to sneak them into. There John B. stole a cleaners phone and texted the Pogues that they were alive and in Nassau. They laid low on the roof until John B., low and behold, ran off in the night to find the gold in the Cameron's holiday house despite Sarah's clear words to not go—Eden isn't surprised. When did John B. ever listen? 

When John B. returned to the hotel, he was met by Cleo, who kidnapped Sarah along with Terrance and Stubbs. They threatened to turn the fugitive teens in, but the couple revealed the single gold bar they'd hung on to since finding it at Crain's house, to which a deal was made.  If Cleo and her comrades helped, they got a share of the gold in the Cameron's possession. 

They planned another heist to get the gold and appeared at the Cameron holiday house late at night to steal it from the safe it was hidden in. However, the Bahamian cops showed up after seeing suspicious activity from the security cameras, and after a close-call, John B. and Sarah are sent running again

With help from Wheezie Cameron, who was overjoyed and willing to do anything to get her older sister home, the group found out when Ward and Rafe would be coming to Nassau to move the gold. They set up another scheme, and when the two Cameron men showed up to re-locate the stolen treasure, the group was on the ready for a fight.

The criminals made up a story that there'd been a massive sinkhole, causing the road to be closed. Ward had tried to argue, but that only resulted with Terrance and Cleo pulling them from their truck and forcing them on their knees, holding them at gunpoint while Sarah and John B. came out to try and steal the gold from the back of the vehicle.

Ward caught the girl in the corner of his eye and tried to come close, to which John B. raised a gun. Terrance and Cleo tried to keep Ward away from his daughter, leaving Rafe unsupervised. Seeing the gun in John B.'s hand, he pulled out his firearm and fired.

He hit Sarah.

John B. and Sarah raced into Ward's truck and drove away, where Sarah realized the bullet in her abdomen. They called Terrance and he recommended a doctor, to which the couple drove to as quickly as possible, Sarah's state growing worse.

That's where John B. got quieter, claimed everything was more fuzzy, not really wanting to talk about what he thought were Sarah's last breaths, her last moments. He truly didn't feel like reliving the pain.

 Eden couldn't blame him for it, and made sure to tell him it was okay if he didn't want to get into detail—she's sure everyone understood got what happened next based off of the way the Routledge fell quiet. Sarah had died for a moment, but in that moment, it could have been forever....especially to John B. 

Sarah then took over most of the story telling, explaining that when she woke back up, she forced herself out of the doctor's house and demanded they go to where they agreed to meet the others. However, when they got there, the couple learned that the gold had been seized by the police. The police told the couple there'd been a shoot out, but soon recognized the two, thus a car chase with the cops broke out—Pogue style.

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