TEN| frowns and fights

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AFTER a day full of surfing, Eden found herself leaning against the back of the Heyward's boat, John B. next to her as she soaked in the midday sun.   For some reason she'd agreed to come along on their mission to search for the Royal Merchant and it's gold—it wasn't really like she had a choice though. Pogues stuck together, and she wasn't about to leave that money hanging around.

After about thirty minutes on the water, John B. called for JJ to stop, "Alright, JJ. Pin it here!" The blonde did as told, slowing down the boat as Kie and Eden sat beside, watching. "Alright ladies and gentlemen.  To going full Kook."

"Let's hope this works." Eden muttered, her gaze set on the drone and John B. lowered it into the waters below.  Pope was set up in front of a screen, watching intensely in case the drone were to see something, John B. watched the coordinates, and the two girls helped out by lowering the drone more and more, giving everyone a job to do.

"Alright, JJ, we're right over it. Ten seconds northwest."

"Got it!" The Maybank replied, "Ten seconds northwest."

Kie called out a small, "One hundred feet!", marking the amount down on the boat so they could keep track of how much they were dropping it.  Everything was quiet for another few minutes before Pope gasped, causing everyone to quickly turn his way in the hope that he'd spotted something.

Their hope was meant with disappointment as Pope admitted to not seeing anything, "It's nothing." Everyone gave a frown, and John B. gave a small groan, having gotten so excited. "I'm sorry, I thought...."

"Don't do that to me, man." JJ stated.

"My bad. I just thought I saw...." Pope trailed off, shaking off the false alarm and dead eyeing the screen once again as they sank lower and lower into the ocean. "And to quote the Hobbit,  'Down, down, to Goblin town. Down, down, you go, my lad.'"

"I'm not gonna ask." Eden sighed, calling out they'd reached another hundred feet afterwards, "Two hundred!" to which followed a small "three hundred" afterwards.  Despite how far down they were going, Pope had yet to find something, which was rather concerning, as a storm was rolling in as they spoke.

"The tide's turning!" Kiara yelled as she marked down the four hundred mark.  The last thing Eden wanted was to get caught in this storm, but John B. didn't seem to want to stop quite yet so, he kept yelling directions towards the blonde steering, who followed.

As the tides grew strong, the boat began to rock, putting Eden slightly uneasy.   The thunder grew louder, and the waves stronger, but John B. didn't make the call.  They we so close, but if they didn't leave soon, they'd tip.

Eden found herself holding the tether up and Kie took total control of the drone, marking down the nine hundred foot mark.  They were on the verge of flipping and John B. stated that fact, but he continued spitting directions as if they weren't. 

The current was growing stronger, and Eden was struggling to hold on to the tether at this point, the rope giving her hands a slight rug burn as it tried to escape her grasp.  Eden yelled through gritted teeth, "You better have found something!"

John B. turned back towards Pope, "You heard the woman, what do you got, Pope?  Come on man, what do you see?" He was desperate at this point.

"Nothin'," Pope stated dryly, "A whole lot of nothin'."

After a few anxious minutes of Kiara yelling what they were reaching, Pope yelled out, "I'm at the bottom! I'm at the bottom!"

"Steady here, JJ! Steady here. Quarter speed, alright?" John B. yelled, staring at Pope's screen, eyes searching for something, anything. "You should be seeing something, man."

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now