FORTY-SIX| the heyward secret

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EDEN sympathetically bandaged Heyward up.

The Twinkie sped through the island towards Heyward's shop, where they were quick to find the man. Eden's heart immediately sank when she saw his appearance—the corner of his forehead was bloodied, and he looked exhaustedbecause of all people, Heyward was the last person who deserved this.

Being the care taker, and the sympathetic she was, the Bexley had been quick to instruct the Pogues to find her some medical supplies to clean the man up.

Despite the banter he had with the teenagers, or the smart ass and sarcastic comments he was always throwing at the Pogues, Heyward did care about them—a lot. He could pretend to find them annoying, or a burden to his son, but each teen had grown on him in one way or another. It was shown in the way he watched over JJ like his own because he knew Luke was a deadbeat; let Eden stay over if she wanted too because he knew Isla's cold heart well; sometimes payed John B. for helping out or let him have free food because he knew his financial situation; always kept his couch open for one of them to crash on. Let them all see him as a father figure.

And, personally, Eden thought he deserved the same treatment back.

So, she stood slightly leaning forward in front of Heyward, bandage in her hands. Nimbly, she tried to place it upon the wound—she'd cleaned it up quickly—but noticed the cringe of his features every time she neared the vicinity of the wound. Under her breath, Eden muttered an apology. "Sorry. Tell me if I'm hurting you."

Heyward denies, "You're doing just fine."

He lets out a soft groan as Eden sets the bandage down on the wound, slowly backing up with a thin lipped smile once she does. "Okay, I'm done. Everything feel okay?"

"Thank you, darlin'." Heyward nods, "Thank you."

The moment that Eden stepped away from his dad, Pope came forward. His eyes were serious and his voice was firm as he asked, "Pop, what happened?"

"Oh, I should've known better." Heyward scoffed, beginning to explain what had gone down. Eden's eyes get caught on Sarah for a split second as the blonde moves beside Kiara, John B.'s gaze lingers firmly on her-of course something had happened between them. "He came in just as I was about to lock up. Caught me by surprise. Once he had me down, he put his knee in my chest, and he asked me about that....that-that key from that...that drawing you showed me."

Pope's eyes slightly widened and he looked back at Eden, who nodded her head; she too came to the same realization. The man who jumped Heyward had been Limbrey's lackey—she'd beckoned him to go and find information on the key, and he'd done so. Clearly, Carla Limbrey was still hot on their tracks.

"And, in case you're wonderin'." Heyward finished, looking between each teen. "I ain't tell him nothin'." Each teen gave a small face of appreciation—another show that Heyward did care. If he didn't want Pope or the Pogues to succeed, he could have told what he knew. "Now, did you track it down?"

Pope pulls the key he'd shown off to the Bexley and Carrera from his pocket and meekly hands it over to his father. The man takes it, slightly surprised as his son explains, "I found it in Mee-maw's old apartment right above the pharmacy, just like you said it was."

"Shit, boy." Heyward glances from the key to his son, "You should've gave this to me, I wouldn't have had to take a beating." His comment causes Pope to slightly frown and he proceeds, "What's the big deal? It ain't worth anything. Why they want it so bad?"

"I don't know. First, I get this letter telling me that I need to go to Charleston. And then I meet this rich lady who wants me to give her a key that I didn't even know was in my family."

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