SIXTY-TWO| i claim thee poguelandia

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THE Pogues find an island. 

Eden isn't sure how long they were sitting in the lifeboat, making aimless conversation as they floated through the open ocean. For miles, all she could see and smell was the sea—it seemed to spread on for forever. 

No one wanted to state the obvious—they had nothing, they didn't know where they were, no one knew they were gone from the OBX—so they didn't.  They all just acted like everything was okay, because with the Pogues, it always ended up being that way. 

At some point though, the Pogues did find land and no one argued against going towards it. The sun was starting to set and it was only so long before they got truly stranded—if Eden's honest, she'd rather be stranded on an island with some supplies and coverage than a lonesome lifeboat that was bound to deflate ultimately. 

Using the shitty engine of the lifeboat, the group traveled to the island. 

For the bad luck the Pogues always held, Eden thinks the land they managed to stumble across was good—she could spot plenty of coconuts for food, and they were all trained well enough to catch the nearby fish. There were rocky structures and rain forest like areas to provide protection.

Between the minds of JJ Maybank, Pope Heyward, John Booker Routledge, Kiara Carrera, and Eden herself—along with Cleo, who seemed to be a survivalist—the Bexley thinks they can make it work for the moment.

Still in just her bikini top, Eden watches as the three boys haul the lifeboat upon the shore. Exhausted not only from all the events that had happened upon boat but the lack of water and heat they'd been put under, it takes the trio longer to pull against the shore.

Kiara, Cleo, and Sarah sit beside Eden, all three having stripped away their t-shirts to reveal tank tops and sports bras alike against the blazing heat—wherever they ended up was hot.  The four sit under the shade of some palm trees, basking in the cool breeze that was growing as the sweltering sun set. 

"Come on," JJ grunted, hauling the boat. He hadn't listened to Eden when she told him to go easy after his interaction with the blunt machete end and was still straining himself against the heat and exhaust.

"Come on, boys." John B. beckoned his two other friends as they finally pull the boat onto the shore, tide rolling in against their ankles as they haul in higher up on the sand. "That's good."

Tiredly, Sarah hums, "Good job, guys."

"Good job." Kie chimes.

 The boys travel back towards the girls, JJ slightly staggering over the sand, "Whoa."

"JJ, you alright there, buddy?" John B. asked softly, walking behind him in case he stumbled again. 

"Yeah." JJ held up Eden's shirt against his head again, though she isn't sure whether he's wiping sweat off or using it to check for blood again. "Still a little dizzy."

Eden gives him an 'I told you so' expression and shifts her position, "I told you to take it easy, idiot." 

"Didn't look like you were gonna help haul that thing ashore, did it?" the Maybank retorts, outstretching the hand holding the bloody t-shirt towards it's owner, "Here's this back, by the way."

"Hell no." Eden's lips curled down in disgust—maybe he was still woozy, because there wasn't any way in hell he logically thought she'd take her shirt back after it was used as his personal blood and sweat rag. "I'd rather sit in my bikini for the rest of our island experience than touch that again."

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now