SIXTY| freakin' b team

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EDEN can't help but smile as the face of JJ Maybank appears behind the grate. 

JJ's eyes widened in shock, clearly not expecting to see the Bexley in front of him. He knew Eden was on the ship, but he hadn't expected to see her so abruptly—let alone for her to find them. Looking back at his friends for a split second, the Maybank can't help but guffaw, "Eden?" 

"Hey," Eden manages, greeting the blonde like she hasn't been away from the group—as if she hadn't been kidnapped away from them. JJ hops off of whatever he'd been standing up on to reach the grate, outstretching his hand to help the Bexley down. She takes it, peeking her head in to ask, "Got room for one more in this container?"

John B. steps forward, sighing in relief when he saw the Bexley peeking in, "Jesus Christ, Ed'." He'd be lying if he said he hadn't been worrying about her as he sat in the container. His girlfriend was on this ship, but so was Eden—he promised he wouldn't leave her again, but he couldn't help but fear that she had left him. "I thought we lost you for a minute." 

Eden hands JJ the grate she was holding before climbing inside of the container, using the blonde's helping hand. "I thought I lost you guys." 

Stepping into the contained space, she's quick to feel the difference in temperature. The salty sea breeze disappears, and a wave of humid air is quick to stick to her skin, warming her figure uncomfortably. 

"One down, one to go." Pope mutters in reference to the two girls they'd come to retrieve from the ship.

Kiara comes forward, giving her friend a quick once-over before unexpectedly wrapping her arms around the Bexley. "Are you okay?" While she hadn't been there at the estate, JJ and John B. had filled her in on Eden's disappearance, and she couldn't hesitate from asking the question on everyone's mind. "What the hell happened?" 

Eden relaxes within the embrace, appreciating the sign affection—she had her friends back. As she hugs Kie, the Bexley bluntly answers, "Isla drugged and kidnapped me." 

Pope's brows furrow, "Drugged you?"

"Uh, yeah." Eden nods, pulling away from Kiara as she started to explain herself. "I found Sarah passed out inside the estate and Rafe caught me and then he locked me in the liquor cabinet. I started to have a panic attack and Isla came in to try and calm me down. She injected something into me....." She pauses for a moment before wearily stating, ".....and I woke up here."

"Jesus." JJ mutters, before scoffing, "That's messed up."

"Yeah, well, there's Isla Bexley for you." Eden manages to smile at her words, though it truly doesn't meet her eyes. Before any of the Pogues can comment, she returns with, "How did you guys get on the boat?"

John B. explains, "Well, me and JJ saw you and Sarah get dragged out of the house unconscious and just followed the car here. Didn't really think before climbing into this container to try and find you guys."

"We were actually about to come find you when you found us." JJ adds, 

"I'm touched." Eden hums before adding, "But we should probably get going with trying to find Sarah. Rafe called for the crew to start looking for stowaways. I saved you some time buy 'searching' this container, but I wouldn't risk it." 

"Eden's right." JJ heaves himself back towards the open grate, "Let's roll."

"JJ, hold up." Pope's voices interjects, the blonde looking down to see what his friend wanted. "I don't think we should all go out there. It's too risky." 

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now