THIRTY-ONE| tickling the wire

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THE excitement the group found at school stayed with them the entire day.

I mean, how else was Eden supposed to act? She couldn't exactly contain her emotions when she ultimately returned to class—not after finding out her best friend was still alive out there, millions of miles away.

Of course, the quartet tried to keep their lips sealed at school. The students of the OBX were still all over the topic of John B. and Sheriff Peterkin, and if they heard that the proclaimed murderer was still alive, it would definitely get out and travel further than just the high school hallways. 

But now that Kie, Eden, JJ, and Pope were within the comfort of The Wreck......they couldn't keep quiet. 

"Just for the record......" JJ trails off as they depart from the Carrera owned restaurant, headed towards the dock. "....I never doubted them." 

Eden scoffs, "Sure, J."

From the front of the group, Kiara rolls her eyes, "I owe you five bucks."

The Bexley paused and opened her mouth to ask why they made a bet on their dead friends, but was cut off by the stern voice of Mrs. Carrera, whom was calling for her curly haired daughter from a few feet away, "Kiara, I do need those set-ups done by five!"

Kie seems slightly annoyed by the reminder, and her voice rises an octave as she shouts in return, "You know, there are other people who work here!"

"But ain't none of them my children!"

Approaching the boat dock, Pope sends a sympathetic comment towards Kiara at her mother's reply, "I feel that. On a deep emotional level, I understand that—" The boy barely has time to finish his sentence before he's cut off by the Maybank.

Tossing his bag on the ground, JJ asks, "So, we going to the Bahamas or what?"

"Totally. I bought plane tickets for all four of us at school—no, JJ." Eden spoke with her regular sarcasm. Out of anyone, she wanted to go to the Bahamas the most, but she knew it wasn't that plausible; at least now. Pope barely made enough to secure a plane ticket, let alone to a far away country, JJ was broke, Kiara was put on an allowance after what she pulled for the gold, and Eden's mother would never let her take that much money for an un-relevant trip. 

 In simple words, it was rather unrealistic. 

Pope nods in agreement, "Agreed. There's no way we're getting to the Bahamas."

The Bexley continues, "Besides, only me and Kiara have passports. It would take too long to get those, not to mention tickets for a realistic flight—by then John B. will have probably done something stupid and will be detained."

"John B.'s gonna get nabbed sooner or later." Kiara crosses, looking between all of her friends, "So, if we're gonna clear his name, we need to have done it, like, yesterday."

JJ stands up from where he'd been leaning against the dock, and starts pacing back and forth, "I'll tell you how we do it."

Pope looks at the blonde and speaks sarcastically, "Oh, so you have it all planned out?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." JJ turns back to face the group. Eden looks at her friend, and has hope that something relatively helpful might come from his lips, though any of that hope leaves when JJ bluntly says, "We kidnap Rafe."

"I'm sorry, what?"

Eden scoffs. She honestly can't believe he'd even put it out there—kidnapping Rafe wouldn't get them anywhere other than jail. "Let's be logical for once, please and thank you."

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now