FORTY-FOUR| plan appendicitis

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EDEN held on to JJ tightly as he sped down the roads of the island towards the Kildare County Detention Center.

Everyone but Pope had stayed the night at the Chateau.  That morning, Kiara departed while Sarah stayed with Eden's phone in hand, still conversing with Wheezie. Eden had scheduled herself a reservation to visit John B. the night before, to which JJ had begged to come too—Eden herself wanted to make sure her best friend was holding up while the Maybank had a secret plan in mind. 

Which is how she found herself on the back of JJ's motorbike, hands wound tightly around the boys waist as he skid to a stop in front of the detention center, thankful they hadn't crashed on the way—if JJ was reckless in the Twinkie, he certainly passed the speed limit on the bike.

The wheels of the bike slightly screeched as they skid against the pavement, and Eden unhooked her arms, throwing her leg over the bike to get off. JJ kicked the kickstand down and swung his leg over, pausing a moment to take a tooth pick out of his back pocket—to which the Bexley gave an eye roll.

JJ was trying his best to act intimidating, adding swagger—as he had so called it when Eden asked—to his appearance with a pair of sunglasses, tooth pick, which he let dangle from his lips casually, and  bulky headphones instead of Eden's Airpods. 

To Eden, he looked like he was trying to get into trouble. However, she didn't bother say anything to him as he pulled the headphones over his ears and began to blast punk music—which she could make out rather clearly, for the point of headphones being to keep your music to yourself.

The two teens began to walk towards the detention center, only to get stopped as two officers passed by. Instead of ignoring them they same way they were ignoring him, JJ jumped into a salute, only to turn his salute into a middle finger as they turned their backs to him.

Eden pushes his arm down with a tired expression, "I'd actually like to see John B. today, believe it or not."

JJ listens and keeps his hand down as they enter the detention center.

Eden comes forward towards the man with the nicest expression she can muster, despite her utter hatred for cops at the moment and states, "Hi, we're here to see—"

"We're here to see John B. Routledge." JJ cuts her off rather obnoxiously, voice louder than it needs to be. 

The officer behind the desk looks less than amused with the Maybank's act as he dryly instructs, "No music, and get rid of the toothpick."

"I can't hear what you're saying, man, alright?" The Maybank continued to mess around, an innocent smile playing on his lips as he watched the officer's reaction. From beside the boy, Eden sighed and awaited JJ to finish whatever act he was trying to play. "These things are on full blast—that's what I said. I'm here to see John B. Routledge."

With his hands, the officer motioned for JJ to take off his headphones and ditch the toothpick—simply instructing to cut the crap. The man then glanced over at Eden, firmly asking, "Are you with him, Miss Bexley?"

Eden hummed dryly, "Mhm."

"Wait. Music?" JJ confirmed, pointing to his headphones. The officer gave a fake smile and nodded, motioning yet again for him to take them off. The Maybank does as he's asked with an 'oh!' of understanding. "I mean, I thought it was a free country and all but, I guess you—" his finger circled at the facility, "—don't like freedom very much, now do you, cupcake?"

At unimpressed expression crossed Eden's face as she reprimands, "JJ."

The officer had already crossed behind his desk, grabbing him by the shoulders and pushing him against the wall when the door clicked open to reveal Plumb.

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now