FIFTY-TWO| run-in with renfield

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EDEN received her s'more fifteen minutes later.

After returning back to the Chateau, JJ started a fire and the group gathered around it. S'mores and other snacks were passed around the four, creating a much more calm and collected version of the bonfire—if she's honest, Eden liked it better that way; just the five of them.

Eden sat quietly on the bench beside John B., fiddling around with her s'more stick. By her feet, there was a half drunken water bottle that she was nursing at—Kiara had ultimately convinced her to drink it. Between that and the food, she was starting to ever so slightly sober up.

"I've had more black eyes in the past month than I've ever had." Pope states, causing a giggle to fall from Kiara's lips. The Carrera girl takes a seat in the set up chair in between Eden and Pope, a snack in hand.

"That was building up for years. Rumble in the jungle." JJ comments, turning to the conversation back to the bonfire fight as he sat down beside Pope, plate of pizza in hand. He shifts the plate, feeling the burn of the food against his skin with a small exclaim, "Ah!"

John B. turns his head to look at the two girls beside him, quietly asking, "Hey, did you really stick up for Sarah?"

"Of course I did." Kie shrugs casually. Sarah Cameron was her friend when it all came down to it, Kook or not. "She's not a real Kook."


Eden tilts her head to the side, "I was literally about to beat that girl's ass—who the hell just shoves someone off a ledge? 'You belong with us' my ass." She shakes her head thinking about the Pogue John B. had been interested in. "Acted like I was gonna choose her over Sarah because she was a real Pogue."

Pope comments, "Yeah, tell that to Topper."

"I mean, he's not wrong." Eden leans down to take the marshmallow off her stick, ignoring the warmth of the item. She grabs a graham cracker and a piece of chocolate and begins to construct her s'more as she speaks, "Topper acts like he owns her. Probably tracks her on Life 360 or some shit."

John B. looks down as see's the girl constructing the s'more, diving his hands down towards it the second she finishes. "I just want one bite—"

"John B—no!" Eden abruptly yells as she realizes that the boy's trying to steal her s'more. Her late reaction allows for the boy to snake a hand around her s'more holding on, bringing it up to his mouth so he could take a bite of the food. "Make your own, bitch!"

"Too poor." the Routledge boy shrugs, managing to steal a bite of it. At the same time, Eden tries to yank it back, resulting in the item falling out of both of their grasps and into into the dirt. A whine of disappointment falls from his lips, muffled by the food in his mouth. "Eden!"

Eden smacks the boy on the shoulder, "I fucking hate you."

"My bad." John B. stands up, crossing over towards the ground to retrieve the s'more. "I thought you were gonna share."

"You're not having any of mine." JJ stands up as well.

"Bracelet purposes are gone for that." the Bexley declares, crossing her arms over her body as she watches the boy pick the s'more up out of the dirt.

Pope sarcastically sides with Eden, "I believe that's a....not even fair trade."

"No, it's not,Pope. What's even worse is he's still going to eat it, too." Eden huffs, watching as John B. examines the s'more, almost debating whether or not he's going to claim it. "I hope you realize you're an actual rat."

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