FORTY-ONE| the arrest

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EDEN was woken up at the crack of dawn by her friends. 

Her eyes slowly opened to be met with the sight of John B. and JJ in her face and the sunlight against her skin. It was almost nostalgic, waking up on the Chateau couch—she was reminded of early summer once more, before they got involved in the gold. When they were simply teenagers trying to soak in summer rather than teenagers on the run from the world around them.  She wishes things could be normal.

However, despite the nostalgia, Eden is less than happy to see her two friends. A small groan leaves her lips at the fact that they had abruptly woken her up from—if she can say, a rather great—rest. She tries to turn over to ignore them, but her body is quick to remind her that she was freshly injured, and sent a jolt of pain shooting through her arm.

"Wakey, wakey." John B. says. Eden doesn't have to open her eyes to know he's wearing a shit-eating grin.

Eyes closed, the Bexley mutters. "I got shot last night. Let me live."  She pauses a moment before adding, "And by live, I mean go away and let me sleep."

"Good morning to you too, your majesty." JJ sighs before looking over at the Routledge boy."Go put some of that pain reliever shit in my back pack so she doesn't get cranky when we're away from the Chat." 

His words peak her interest. They were leaving.

"We're leaving?" She sleepily mutters, words muffled by her face pressed against the cushion. 

"Uh, yeah?" the Maybank looks at her as if she'd grown a second head. Did she not remember anything that went down the previous night? Rafe knew they were here, and it wouldn't be surprising if he came back again—without anyone to hold him back. "Do you want to be shot by Rafe again?"


"Then let's get a move on." JJ states, lightly shoves her uninjured shoulder and gets off the floor to go join the Routledge in the kitchen.

Eden groans again before forcing herself up. Truly, her arm ached and she didn't feel like doing anything but she knew it was better if they evacuated the premise before Rafe decided to come back—one bullet graze was enough for the Pogues. She'd rather have to sit and complain about her arm than risk her friends getting hurt.

Getting on her feet, the Bexley makes her way into the kitchen. Her arm is like a metronome, a constant throbbing of pain working through her body. She looks the length of the wound and notices it's been bandaged up—Sarah or John B. must have done it after she fell asleep.

"There's the Sleeping Beauty." JJ chimes once the girl enters the room. 

Keeping her lips sealed, Eden outstretched her uninjured arm towards John B.—she was clearly going to be using one arm for most of the day.  

The Routledge boy gets the message and hands over the two pills, letting her take them before handing over a glass of water. Bluntly, he states, "You look like shit." 

"Thank you." Eden replies dryly before swallowing down the pain relievers she'd been given.

She's sure she does indeed look like shit. Her hair was probably ratty, her cover up—John B.'s shirt—had a giant blood stain upon the shoulder, her makeup was probably a disaster due to her tears and the fact that she'd been running around in it for a few days now. 

"They're back!" Sarah Cameron's voice echoes from the porch.

 The Maybank boy runs towards the porch, slinging his backpack—which had previously been beside the couch—around his arm. "Let's roll." 

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