TWENTY ONE| jj's shit

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THE man's place wasn't much better than where they'd just been.

The attacker—or Barry, as his ID read—lived in somewhat of a trailer park-like place, despite having a house, though it was the size of a trailer now that Eden really saw it.   The place was rundown, and was more unkept than the Chateau, random items tossed around the front porch and yard.  

Speaking of the yard—it wasn't tidy either.  Branches and tossed bushes which had been ruined by Agatha were thrown around his yard, which too held overgrown grass showing that Barry was not a neat person by a long shot.

Eden had never thought of where a drug dealer might live, but this fit the picture pretty well.  

"Welcome to Crackhead Wasteland." Sarah remarked as they pulled into Barry's through a dirt driveway.  She was clearly disgusted by the sight—today probably held the most run-down places the Kook had ever seen.

Pope shifted in his seat with an unsure expression, "I don't know about this, man."

"Dude, why are we at Barry's?" John B. sighed as the Twinkie came to a stop.  Personally, he thought his friend was going a little far—sure, he'd held them at gunpoint and had tried to steal their gold, but this was just a waste of time.   They could be planning on how to get the rest of the gold, but instead, they were sitting in a drug dealers driveway.

JJ opened the drivers door and hopped out, "This'll only take a second."

"Where are you going?"

The Maybank continued walking towards the house, not bothering to turn around as he called, "Yo soy justicia."

Pope's eyes narrowed, "Did you glean anything from that?"

"I am....justice?" Eden did her best to translate her friend, shrugging.  Her and JJ had taken Spanish in freshman year for some reason that she can't really remember now, and she still remembered some words. 

Kiara trailed off glumly, "You know someone should probably...."

"We got it." the Bexley sighed, patting the Routledge boy on the shoulder.  The two always ended up being the ones to supervise JJ, didn't they? Just two tired parents and their chaotic child. "Let's go, JB."  The Routledge exited the passenger seat and the two walked towards the house.

Now, Eden understood why JJ was so pissed off.  Not only did the blonde boy have slight anger issues in general, but he had so much anger built up from his father, and the restitution he owed, that Barry attacking them was the final straw.  When JJ got upset, he got reckless, and when he got reckless, he did stupid shit.  That's just how JJ Maybank worked—when you went low, he went lower; when you hit hard, he hit harder.

And the Bexley was just as pissed that they'd almost lost their gold, but she didn't think she'd go as far as JJ was.  Beating Barry up was one thing, but breaking into his house? He was a drug dealer—God knows what would happen to them if JJ took anything.

John B. pushed open the door to the house, staring at JJ with a slightly annoyed look on his face, "Yeah, what's your plan, slick?" 

"Well, as thou hath stealeth from us, we shall stealeth from ye." the blonde boy replied, picking up couch cushions to look underneath them.

"Yeah, that kind of got lost in translation—"

JJ stated, "An eye for an eye, John B."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's great JJ." the Routledge boy crosses towards his best friend, halting him in his tracks to try and explain himself, "But what happens after you rob a drug dealer, huh? He knows who we are!"

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now