EIGHT| to going full kook

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IF Eden were honest, the last thing she expected to leave the graveyard with was a FedEx package. 

 Not like she expected to leave the graveyard with anything in hand, but out of anything, she expected a letter, or maybe gold, like the Maybank expected.   But, here she was, handing a FedEx package from the small crack of the mausoleum.

Scanning over the item with her headlamp, she read over the words written upon the front.  For Bird.  At first glance, nothing came to mind, so Eden handed it out to John B.—it was for him, after all.

"That's not gold." Pope muttered, sounding rather disappointed as Eden's hand exited the small crack with a package in hand.  Though he didn't fully believe that there'd be gold inside the mausoleum, he did expect something better than a package. 

The two girls then exited the mausoleum, landing right beside the three boys.  Eden tried to see how John B. was reacting to the package, but his face didn't show too much emotion as he scanned over it.

Despite its invaluable look, Eden hoped that this package held something for John B.  After this entire search, as Kie had stated, he deserved to find something.  They couldn't leave this empty handed.  Plus, Eden couldn't see John B.'s disappointed face, early that day had been enough.

Luckily for Eden, his next words showed that this package indeed meant something to him. "Holy shit. This is from my dad."  His eyes glimpsed up from the package, and darted to each of his friends, watching as a small smile appeared on their faces.   They were finally successful at something.

But, the Pogues' moment of success was ruined as JJ's voice came over them, slightly panicked. "Code red. Code red. Square groupers! Square groupers!" He blew out a whiff of smoke, turning towards the other four.

"Go." Kie didn't even finish her sentence before the five were running in time with each other, crouching down against the side of the mausoleum.  Taking control once again, she ordered, "Lights!"

Eden did as she was told, slapping a hand on the headlamp so it no longer illuminated the ground in front of her.  She tried to peek outside, but it was hard to see much without their flashlights on.  As she did so, her eyes caught the brunette boy beside her struggling with his lantern, causing her to scoff.

"Do you not know how to turn off a lantern?" Eden whispered, snatching the lantern from underneath his shirt, where he'd been trying to cover up the light.  He put his hands up in defense, muttering a small apology as he grabbed the lantern back from her grasp.

Kie peeked out, slightly covered by JJ's silhouette, "Do you think it's them?"

The blonde, who had the best viewpoint, replied with, "Homies got a gun."

After a moment of silence, trying to process what to do, Kiara stood back up and began to run in the direction of the Twinkie.   Despite not wanting to get caught, they were more safe driving away than playing a game of hide a seek, "Screw this."

Kie was first to hop the gate, but eventually the entire group was climbing over the fencing, going as quickly as possible.  John B. caught Eden as she jumped over, and set her on the ground, not even waiting for her before he chased after Kie.

They would have been in the van already if it wasn't for Pope's frantic calls, "Guys, I'm stuck." He began to try and free himself—more so his pants—from the fencing, "I'm stuck, I'm stuck, I'm stuck—"

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now