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liked by jmaybank420, kiecarrera and others

edsbexley04 i'll let you decide what the mysterious liquid on my dress is <3

jmaybank420 it's cherry kool aid 

edsbexley04 why do you have to ruin the fun by giving it away

popeheyward1 and you have red kool aid all over your dress because????

jmaybank420 hold up, let me post the video, it's to hard to explain over a comment section

edsbexley04 you post that goddamn video and i'm purposefully unscrewing the fan and factory resting your phone while you sleep.

johnbee29 jj please don't post the video i don't know how many more times i can put that fan back on the ceiling.

kiecarrera is that my dress?

edsbexley04 it's jj's fault

jmaybank420 i was trying to get john b it's not my fault you walked under the kool aid without announcing your presence 

↪ edsbexley04 and i have to announce my presence because?????

johnbee29 can we talk about how jj was trying to kool aid me in my own house? 


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