TWO| to the motel

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TO Eden, the motel looked just as sketchy as she thought it would.  Her eyes were met with its slightly broken down sight, showing it had been standing for many years.  It's paint was chipping, and it looked due for a new roof.  Definitely the place for a serial killer to hide out. 

As the HMS Pogue pulled closer to the motel, JJ let out a slow whistle. "I thought the Chateau looked bad."

"This place is a shit show." John B. agreed with the blonde, eyeing the tipped over sign in the front yard.

"I swear, a serial killer lives in that room right there." Eden spoke, pointing towards a random area of the motel.

"Motel or meth lab?" Kie asked.

"You be the judge." Pope responded, slightly glancing at the girl who'd spoken.

"Doesn't look like a place somebody with a Grady-White stays." John B. stated, turning the boat into the channel that led up to the building. 

"No. Looks like a place someone with a Grady-White would get killed." Pope concluded, looking at John B. with weary eyes.

"Serial Killer." Eden said yet again, giving a look towards Pope.  The boat then fell silent again, all of them unsure about what other comment they could make about the sketchy motel.  It definitely didn't look like a place where someone would park a Grady-White, that was for sure.  It looked too shabby for that.

"All right, here we go." JJ muttered, grabbing the anchor.  He put his free hand up to his mouth, acting as if he was holding a radio—just he had earlier—and made his voice sound the same. "This is your captain speaking.  HMS Pogue comin' in for landing."  He then jumped off the boat with the anchor—as it had gotten close enough to land—with a small cheer.

"We good?"

"Yeah, we good."

"All right, here goes nothing."

JJ held out a hand, and Eden took it, stepping out of the boat with a small sigh.  She wasn't quite sure why she spoke up and said she wanted to go with the blonde and brunette boys.  Truly, she'd rather stay away from the sketchy motel, but maybe her curiosity was getting the better of her today.  Surprisingly, both boys had allowed her to tag along, so here she was.

"Your majesty."

"Such a gentleman, J." Eden shook her head at his dramatic words, ruffling his hair as he passed her and stood next to John B. waiting for Eden to follow.   She was about to, finally ready to see what was inside the motel, but got stopped by Pope.

"Don't let them do anything stupid."

Eden was the peace keeper, and was usually put in charge of keeping the others in line, and that applied here.  She wouldn't be surprised if JJ tried to steal something, or John B. got caught away in something else.  That's another reason she tagged along.  To keep them in check before they got themselves in trouble.

"Oh, we will.  Eds can't stop us from everything." JJ smirked, stepping fore ward and slinging an arm around the brunette girl.

"Wanna bet?" Eden countered, slightly smiled as the boy backed up again.

"No, your majesty."

"I can't really make any promises." Eden looked back at Pope.

"Yeah, I know." Pope pursed his lips, already knowing she'd reply with that.

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now