THIRTY| no texting in class (unless it's your dead friend!)

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ACCORDING to Phineas and Ferb, there were 104 days of summer vacation until school came along again, ending the free for all summer and trapping teenagers in the endless hell of high school for another 9 months. 

Usually, Eden was ready for the transition back into school. She didn't entirely hate her classmates, and her teachers were okay—she was in the middle of the grade scale, usually ending semesters with at least a solid B.  By the time school was about to start, she had all her supplies packed and ready, making sure JJ and John B. were set on everything. She was ready

But, after wasting the final two weeks of her summer vacation on a bottomless treasure hunt, ending it her locked away in her room, away from the world.......Eden was less than prepared for six hours in front of classmates—classmates who thought John B. was guilty of murder.  Classmates who could care less about the Routledge's passing. Classmates who would judge her because she was friends with him. 

Classmates who didn't understand

So, when Eden's 6am alarm went off, she was the least bit ready to start junior year—one step closer to graduating entirely. It was supposed to be spent partying with fellow Pogues and Kooks; studying with Kiara and Pope; helping JJ with his math; enjoying her final years of being a teenager.

But now, Eden was just going to spend it by simply pushing through.  She didn't want to have a school year without Chateau sleepovers, or texting John B. in classes they didn't share.  She didn't want to go to prom or homecoming with having the Routledge boy as her date, because who else would she go with? She didn't want to finish the year and become a senior if she couldn't graduate with her best friend.

Yet, here she was, in the back of Kiara Carrera's 4Runner, pulling into the high school. 

With her bag hanging off of one shoulder, Eden stared out the car window as Kiara parked her vehicle.  She recognized classmates—fellow Pogues and Kooks who didn't get the privilege of attending the academy, like herself. She's ever so thankful her mother was allowing her to attend the public school this year instead of the academy.  She isn't sure she would be able to survive junior year without JJ, Pope and Kie.

The car comes to a stop, and Kiara gets out of the drivers seat, Pope following suite from the passenger side. From beside her, JJ hops out aswell, but strays next to the car door, grabbing his flask from beneath him and downing whatever liquid remained in it.

Kiara sends him an unimpressed look, "Hey, chill out."

"If I black out just don't remind me." JJ mutters, holding the door open for Eden, who exits the vehicle next. He shut the door when she got out. 

"That's not funny."

The whispers begin the moment the four Pogues step on to school grounds.

"Hey, it's them."

"There they are!"

"I wasn't sure they'd even show up."

Eden tried to keep her eyes on the ground as she walked towards the school building. For as much confidence as she normally had, she was acting rather shy—as if she was ashamed to be there. Any sort of confidence over the past two weeks had been replaced with anxiety and sadness. 

She could feel people staring at her and for once in her life, she hated it. 

"I heard they got arrested."

"That wouldn't surprise me."

"Think they have something to do with it?"

"They had to."

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