THIRTY-SEVEN| dude, we're getting the band back together!

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EDEN and Pope are led back into the front yard by Ms. Limbrey.

The woman is the front, going as fast as she can with her crutches with the two teens following quietly behind her. In the back is Limbrey's lackey, who had a tight grip on the back of Pope's purple t-shirt, which made Eden even more weary. Why was he holding on so tight?

From the corner of her eye, Eden can see Heyward's truck and she whips her head back to see JJ and Kiara intently watching the scene. She nods her head as a signal to keep close watch and to be ready in case something went wrong—in case Limbrey and her lackey pulled a fast one on her and Pope.

The man notices her turned around figure, and he lightly pushes her forward, "Keep walking."

Eden sends a final glance to her friends before moving closer to Pope, shoes scuffing against the path and she followed Limbrey.

"All of this, all the way down to the Ashley River, was owned by my family." Carla Limbrey's crutches clinked against the path, and she sounds out of breath as she speaks. "The Limbreys have lived the house since it was built two hundred and eighty years ago." She nodded towards the quarters Pope had pointed out when the Pogues arrived. "That's where the slaves were kept. Thank goodness we've made progress since then."

Dryly, Pope comments. "Yeah, thank goodness."

Limbrey leads the two teens to a headstone within the yard of the old house. Engraved in the headstone is the name, "Denmark Tanny,".  The stone itself is covered with overgrown grass and has some scratches, but seems to have held up well given the year the ex-slave was buried.

Eden is reminded of the home-made headstone she and the Pogues had made for John B. at the sight.

"Here lies Denmark Tanny, the famous ex-slave." Limbrey says as Pope and Eden examine the headstone cautiously. "You know the story."

Pope questions, "What story?"

"Denmark Tanny was a freedman, a wealthy planter. He was able to buy the freedom of his three sons, but when he tried to buy his wife and daughter's freedom, my paternal ancestors refused." Limbrey retold the story in a gentle tone, despite the cruel way in which her ancestors had acted. "When his wife, Cecilia, tried to run with the baby, they sent the hounds on her."

Eden felt slightly sick at the thought of a helpless woman and her daughter being attacked just for the sake of wanting to be free. Pope stays quiet, unsure on what to say about the story. Limbrey takes this as her cue to continue.

"Cecilia drowned trying to escape, the baby survived, and Denmark was hung....allegedly for abetting a slave revolt but really for gathering the remains of his wife." She pauses and Eden frowns. How could Limbrey live in such a house? Sure it was nice but the Bexley could never call a place with so much trauma in its past home.

Limbrey looks at Pope, "Never heard this story?"

"No." Pope shakes his head firmly. He has a solemn expression and turns to the blonde woman, "And I think once is enough." He glances over at Eden, "Come on, Eden. Let's go."

"Yeah, I think I've had enough of this bullshit, Ms. Limbrey. If you really wanted to help us, to help John B., you would have cleared his name a long while ago. You're just a power hungry woman. You don't really care." Eden loses her nice attitude and begins to follow after Pope, who'd turned to walk back towards the front gate of the house. 

However, she doesn't make it too far before she feels a harsh grip grazes her shoulder. She looks behind her to see the man's fingers digging into her skin, stopping her from moving. Eden sends him a small glare, "Get off of me."

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