THIRTY-THREE| total pennywise shit

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EDEN sat at her kitchen's island, bag of ice in her hand pressed against her eye.

After being whacked in the face with a telephoto—which unsurprisingly hurt like a bitch—Eden woke up and washed her face, only to see a small black eye looking right back at her in the mirror. 

So, given she got home late that night and was too tired to properly care for the new found injury, the Bexley was now deciding to take care and try and help out the small bruising—she was still pissed over the bruised nose from Rafe, and this wasn't making her feel any better.

Besides, as far as Isla knew, Eden was simply with Kiara—there was no reason for her to have a black eye. Still......she knew the questioning she was still going to receive, and was coming up with some lie that JJ accidentally hit her as her mother entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, Eden." Isla greets, voice stern and unwavering, despite it being only morning. She gracefully moves towards her tea maker, eyes lightly scanning over her daughters sloppy appearance—her un-brushed hair, sweatpants and sweatshirt claimed as pajamas, fluffy socks with Christmas designs, despite the end of summer weather, and, newly, a black eye. 

The elder Bexley stops walking and raises her brows towards her daughter, "What happened?"

"JJ accidentally headbutted me in the eye, no biggie." Eden glances up from her phone for a small moment to meet her mother's raised brows, before looking back down at her Instagram feed.

Isla seems to hold back a sigh at the reply. "This Maybank kid seems to accidentally hurt you an awful lot, doesn't he?"

"JJ's a clutz, he trips over his own two feet—he literally tripped over a janitors bucket in the hallway yesterday and fell like the dumbass he is." Eden recalls. She knows her mother likes JJ the least of all her friends, and she decides to just play along.

"Language, Eden." Isla says, before turning her back towards her daughter. She fills her shiny white mug with warm water before sitting in the small tea bag. For a few minutes, the only sound is before the woman placing the mug in the microwave before she speaks up again, "I take it last night was fun then?"

Eden replies in a blank tone, "Uh, yeah. Me, Kie, Pope, and JJ just strolled along the beach until it started and then drove around the Cut, you know.....the usual." The usual includes none of the stated above—normally she'd been sleeping over at the Chateau, making friendship bracelets, drinking and laughing. 

"Really?" Isla drawled. The microwave beeps, and she pulls out her cup of tea, stirring the small teabag around it in—Eden smelled familiar aroma; she hated her mother's tea with a passion. "Because that's not what I heard."

Eden tries to hide her suspicion of her mothers words, "And what did you hear, exactly?"

"That you and your friends—" The distaste of the Pogues was still shown within the mother's words, "—were out in the pouring rain at that one construction site accusin' Ward Cameron of murder." Isla's eyes punctured through Eden's thin facade as she spoke. Eden knew her mother saw right through her—she always could.

"And, uh, who told you that?" 


Eden pressed her tongue against her cheek, mentally cursing Shoupe for calling her mother—of course he called Isla.  "Tattletale." 

"I expect better from you, Eden Brielle." Isla tuts, continuing to stir her teabag around. "I get you're grieving over that Routledge kid, but that doesn't mean you get to cause trouble with those Pogues—I mean accusing Ward Cameron of murder ? Honey, we're close with the Cameron's and the only thing they're doing is grieving over Sarah."

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