SIXTY-FOUR| it's a bird! it's a plane!-it's a flying fish!

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SLEEPING in was a perk of island life. 

At the Chateau, it wasn't unusual for Eden to be woken up earlier in the morning because John B. was hungry, or because JJ was begging to go fishing—or for any other stupid reason. There was always something she had to do that required her to be conscious when the sun rose.

However, on Poguelandia? There was nothing that was beckoned to be done at a certain time. John B. always waited for her to awake before going out for driftwood, and any other job Eden was required to do for the day could be done whenever. There were no deadlines or time frames set.

Eden Bexley could sleep in as long as she pleased—even if it was on the rough sand instead of the Chateau couch. Everyone could. 

So, when the Bexley feels herself being shaken awake, she's slightly pissed. 

Someone is not so gently shaking her shoulder, stirring the girl from her slumber—surprisingly, she'd been having decent sleep even on sand, the sound of the waves crashing becoming white noise in the span of the month.

"Eden, get up. Right now." She hears JJ's voice, but ignores it. She also ignores his hand on her shoulder. "I know you're awake, get up."

"Tell John B. to fuck off if he's being annoying." Eden mutters, assuming the boy was awaking her to fix a problem with the Routledge.  Eyes still closed she adds, "He's your best friend until noon."

"No, Eden, there's a plane." 

The Bexley's eyes snap open, confusion present on her tired face. He should have started with that

She sits up, staring at the blonde. "What do you mean a plane?" 

After a week stranded, the Pogues had all given up on waiting for a plane to save them. No one knew they were on this island, and anyone who saw them flee the ship on the lifeboat more than likely thought they had drowned on the way out, or hadn't survived more than a few days stranded.

They could hope, but they all knew no one was coming to save them. 

So, hearing that a plane was currently overhead meant more than it should to the average person. It meant the Pogues had a real chance of going back home. 

JJ points at the sky, "I mean, there's a fuckin' plane in the sky!"

Eden looks over the boys figure, eyes widening as she spots a small aircraft soaring overhead, piercing the bright blue sky with its appearance. JJ wasn't kidding—there was a fucking plane in the sky. The first real sign of hope the Pogues had seen in a while. 

"Holy shit," Eden doesn't need to be told anything more before she stands up. She glances around, noticing that Pope and Cleo have disappeared and assumes they're already off to try and grab the planes attention—during their first few days, Cleo and Pope had created a fort of sticks atop one of the many mounts that they could light to catch attention of incoming planes; an SOS signal.

Knowing he had the Bexley awake, JJ runs past the Routledge boy. "Johnny, wake up. Get up." He runs out of the cave, eyes locked on sky. 

Eden follows suit, shuffling out towards the sand. Her heart is in her throat as she stares at the plane flying right past them—this was their one chance at going home. If the plane passed by....who knew if they'd see another. 

John B. and Sarah both make their way out of the cave, Kiara following after them. Everyone stayed silent for a few moments, in disbelief that they were truly watching a plane fly overhead—that this wasn't a dream.

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now