FOURTEEN| john booker cameron

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EDEN sat anxiously in the hospital.

After answering questions from paramedics for Sarah—who was still hysterical, her answers coming out all shaky and barely understandable—as well as some herself, the Bexley was quick to lie and say she was the unconscious boys sister to receive a ride to the hospital too.  Anxiety was eating her up, and Eden just needed to make sure her friend—hell, her brother—was okay.

But, these paramedics must have been letting whoever looked worked up enough into their vehicle because as Eden buckled herself up, she watched as Sarah goddamn Cameron was escorted into the ambulance too.

Now, Eden wasn't about to lash out at the paramedics, but to say she was completely calm about the situation was a lie.  Why the hell was Sarah Cameron here?  Sure, there was clearly something going on between them, but Sarah wasn't the one who's been at the boy's side since first grade.  She wasn't the one who stood with him as he grieved, the one who made sure he took care of himself.  She wasn't his best friend.

In simple words, Eden didn't believe she deserved to go to the hospital with them.  

But, she didn't have time to argue because the moment Sarah was in the vehicle, it rushed off to the hospital, barely giving her time to yell to Kiara that she'd call with updates—to which she ended up doing.

The minute John B. was admitted to the hospital, the doctors shoved the two girls to the side and told them to sit and wait for further instruction.  Sit and wait for instruction Eden's ass.  She wasn't going to sit and wait for anything.  She wanted to know here and now that John Booker Routledge was okay.

"Don't, Eden." Sarah had said as she noticed the Bexley getting up from the chair they'd seated her in, "They need to check on him first, to make sure he's gonna be alright." She then had looked at the Bexley with a worried expression, eyes still filled with tears, "He is gonna be okay, right?"

Maybe it was Eden's motherly instinct kicking in, or just the way Sarah Cameron looked so pathetic and weak in tears—the way she looked like an innocent puppy and not like the spitting cobra she was—that caused her to stay and comfort the Kook.  She was clearly distraught and, maybe if the brunette stayed here and just listened, it would cause Sarah some relief.

"He's gonna be fine." Eden sat herself back down, letting out a sigh.  He'd had a pulse when she checked him over, which gave her reassurance he would be okay—or at the very least he wouldn't die on them from his fall. "He's going to be more perfectly fine than Joe Jonas." 

Her response had caused Sarah to laugh, "Wait, did you seriously just make a Taylor Swift joke?"

"It was more sarcasm, but I guess so." the Bexley had shrugged, "I am a Swiftie after all." 

"Really?" Sarah questioned, receiving a nod in response, "I guess you and me have more in common than I thought."

"That's up for debate." the brunette muttered in response.

And it still was, as Eden sat watching over her unconscious friend.  After running tests, the doctors had admitted him to a room and finally allowed the two girls to visit, though both had yet to leave.  Though the night had been filled with events, the brunette nor blonde dared to sleep and instead kept busy by watching over John B. like a hawk—no pun intended.

Sarah was situated at the end of his bed, rolling her thumb over his limp fingers in comfort—for herself, or to show the boy she was there, the Bexley didn't know—while Eden had moved a chair to the side of his bed, watching the monitor to make sure everything was okay.  If something changed, she'd be the first to know. 

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now