SEVEN| to the grave

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EDEN was still walking beside John B. in silence.

He'd mostly run his way back towards the Cut—she didn't mind.  He needed to run off all of his anger.  Now, that he had managed to get back though, he was slowly down, the anger wearing off.

Eden walked up to him, realizing he'd calmed down, "Get it out of your system?"

John B. nodded, "Yeah."


Sometimes, silence wasn't a bad thing.  Sometimes, it was just necessary to fall into silence.  That was a usual habit between the two brunettes, but it was never awkward.  Even in the quiet,  the two could feel perfectly content.  And, sometimes, you could share 1000 more words in silence than you ever could while talking.

Eden didn't need to talk for John B. to know she was there for him. 

Continuing to walk in silence, the sudden sound of a car came from behind them.  A black truck was driving right beside them, in an oddly slow pace, before coming to a halt.  Eden would have kept walking if it wasn't for the fact that the black truck looked rather familiar.  

It wasn't until the window rolled down that Eden knew why that was.  Stopping for a brief second to see why they stopped, she watched as the two men—yes, the burly men—appeared as the tinted window lowered.  She bit her lip, and tried not to meet their gaze.

Eden had been right; the two men had come back.  Not only were the two brunettes unarmed, they were in the middle of a street—a rather filthy street at that.  The perfect street to trip on something and fall.  There was nowhere to hide.  The only thing they could do was run, and even then, it was a car against two teenagers.  The odds were not in Eden's favor.

But, Eden didn't really have time to think of a better plan other than running, because after hearing the cock of a gun, her hand was intertwined with John B.'s and he was almost pulling her away from the truck.

"Damn it!"  Eden heard one of the men exit the car and begin to chase after them, causing her legs to speed up the pace.  She really did not feel like getting shot at, or getting hurt by these men.  "Don't run, boy!"

The two teens were ahead, but the man was gaining up on them.  Eden didn't even register where they were running too, she just blindly allowed John B. to lead as she stared at her feet, making sure she didn't fall flat on her face.

John B. was the one who fell instead—he was trying to leap over a fence, but it ended up toppling down with him—but within seconds his hand was back in Eden's and the two were continuing their run.

But, that fall did give the man time to get right up behind John B.  With her friend shoving her forward—always being the man and putting her safety first—Eden kept running towards the street, looking back every second to see if John B. was still right there behind her.

A slight tug on her arm caused her to halt.  Looking beside her,  Eden saw the man with a tight grip on her arm.  "Get off of me!" she slightly yelled, before getting abruptly shoved down to the sandy floor below her.

"Don't touch her!" John B. shoved the dude to the ground—an audible groan following—and ran to Eden, pulling her up without bothering to see if she was okay.  There wasn't any time.  He then dragged her to the street, trying to get a head start.  It wasn't that much of a head start, though, because the man in the truck had taken advantage of the street and was driving right into them, hitting the brakes before he could actually do any damage.

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬Where stories live. Discover now