TWENTY| pawn shop troubles

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EDEN hopped out of the Twinkie with an unsure expression. 

The next day, the group had all met back up at the chateau with money on their minds.  This gold was their chance at getting rich—of course it was at the front of their minds.  Eden practically dreamed about what her Kook life would be, and woke up praying that today would be the start of many days of pawning.  The start of plan Full Kook.

The first hour or so was spent discussing how they'd get the rest of the gold—a map drawn out by none other than Pope diagramming how they'd send a bucket down to haul up all of the gold with John B.

The second on the other hand was spent melting down the few blocks they'd scored, creating a larger monstrosity with an obnoxious symbol in the middle.  Now, Eden knew she couldn't do any better smelting the thing but.....Kie hadn't done great.

The Bexley hoped whoever they tried pawning it off too took it without a fight.

"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr. Frankenstein." JJ remarked as he too filed out of the Twinkie, smelted gold being held in a towel in the palm of his hand.  Eden gave her usual eye roll—he'd complained the whole ride to the shop about having to be the one to pawn it off, clearly displeased with the Carrera's work.

Kiara followed, unimpressed. "Like you could have done any better."

"I could have done much better." the Maybank stated firmly, "I took a welding class."

"You did? When?"

Eden sighed, the tired mother coming out of her, "No complaining, please. JJ already did enough on the way here. Besides, I don't even understand why we smelted it in the first place..." She glanced at the gold in JJ's hand, which looked less believable than before, "It looked more believable the way JB found it—even if it was three smaller blocks."

JJ pointed at the Bexley, "See, Eden agrees. And, mother's opinion is the only correct one, so—"

John B. came in between the blonde and Kiara, who was about to fire something at JJ, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey. Sh." The two went quiet and stared at him.  The brunette added, "Chill out, okay?"

"S'easy for you to say that." JJ held up the smelted gold in his best friend's face, "You're not the one who has to pawn this piece of shit off." Kie's mouth dropped, and Eden put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.  The blonde didn't care and continued, "How did I get this job, anyway?" He then leveled his back pack, sulking towards the pawn shop like a sad middle schooler.

Pope shrugged, "'Cause you're the best liar." 

The group of six then entered the pawn shop, JJ heading straight towards the front desk while everyone else filed in after him, spilling out within the shop to look less like nosy than they really were.

"Afternoon, ma'am." JJ greeted, trying to sound casual as possible.

The woman at the front desk sent him a weary expression, "Afternoon."

"I see you buy gold."

"That's what the sign say, don't it?" the woman fired back, eyebrow raised.

"Well, I sure hope you buy a lot of it, because I'm about to blow your mind." 

The woman seemed unimpressed, "I ain't got much mind left to blow, so have at it."

The Maybank reached into his back pack and and pulled out the smelted gold nugget, setting it down on the table. "How about them gold apples?"

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