SEVENTEEN|three kooks, one boat

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EDEN was still with Kiara Carrera the next day. 

After the events of the day before, and with how upset Kie still was after her conversation with Pope—which Eden found out went no where romantically and that the Heyward was still keeping his crush a secret—Eden suggested she stay the night, to which Kiara appreciated.

Though sleepovers were nothing like they were when they were children—she'd go over to Kiara's house on the weekly with her bracelet kit, hair ties, nail-polish and whatever movies Kie wanted.  The two girls would braid hair, make jewelry, paint their nails in weird combos and just be girls—sometimes, it was necessary and was easily a way to make the Carrera girl feel better.

While she didn't have her usual supplies—yeah, remember? Eden wasn't allowed back home after the shit she'd pulled at Midsummers—she still made sure to stray from talking about Sarah or John B. and instead just acted like a good friend and kept Kie company.  

They watched Pitch Perfect and Grease singing along to the familiar songs in their pajamas—Eden having borrowed clothes from Kiara for the past day or so, pajamas included—until Anna Carrera asked them to lower the volume.  Eden would have made another bracelet for Kie, but she honestly wasn't sure where she'd last left her kit—it was either in the HMS Pogue or the Twinkie.  But, getting it involved going back to John B.'s, and she truly wasn't in the mood for it.

She would have brought her copy of Titanic too, but she also wasn't in the mood to get screamed at by her mother for running off at Midsummers—which honestly, hadn't ended up being a great idea.  Now, she was stuck with only her dress and had to wear the other's clothes, and couldn't return home to get anything.

Either way, the two friends had a good time—and for a moment, Eden was sure she almost made Kiara forget about John B. and Sarah.

But, now, it was clear Kiara Carrera remembered. 

Currently, Eden was sitting on top of the counter at The Wreck watching as Kie worked.  Instead of traveling to the Chateau like usual, Kie insisted they continue to ignore John B.  If he was going to choose Sarah, then he didn't need her or Eden for anything.

Eden, while rather wanting to go see if her friend had changed his mind, kept her vow to stay at Kie's side and complied, following her to her family's restaurant.  After running away at Midsummers, Mr. and Mrs. Carrera had reprimanded their daughter by giving her extra hours to work and without the boys, she had nothing better to do then fulfill them.

Eden offered to help, but Mike denied her offer, saying that it was Kiara's job to help out, not her's, to which the Bexley then decided it was best if she just lounged to the side and waited for Kie to finish up—maybe they could go to the movies or go surfing instead of just wallowing around. 

But, Eden didn't have time to ask that, because after an hour or so of watching Kiara work, her phone vibrated from her pocket.  Kie was busy grabbing an order for an early bird couple—Eden would never be in the mind space to dine and look so nice this early—so the Bexley decided against letting it go to voicemail and looked.

Looking down, she saw the Caller IDBubs; Outer Banks, North Carolina.

Eden let out a sigh before hitting answering the call.  "What do you want, Pope?" 

"We have a code red!"

"A code red?" the Bexley furrowed her brows.  Could they keep themselves out of trouble for one goddamn day? "I don't hang out with you one day and you dumb-asses have already gotten yourself into trouble? It's like—" she spared a look at the clock, "—ten o'clock."

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