SXITEEN| does sarah get a share?

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SITTING in the same room as Sarah Cameron and Kiara Carrera had never been on Edens agenda. she was.

After returning from the Crain house, the Pogues all returned to the usual hang-out spot—the Chateau.  John B. had disappeared the minute he got back to his place, leaving the rest of the group to wait around for his return.  Kie was pacing back and forth,  JJ in a red chair and Pope next to him on a stool.  Eden lounged on the couch, picking at her fingernails.

Eden hadn't actually expected Sarah Cameron to follow John B. in.  She knew how much the Routledge wanted her a part of the gold mission, but after the argument at the Crain house, as well as the natural distaste the group held for the Kook—mostly Kiara, really—it would be a stupid choice.

But, alas, she had been the one to spot the Routledge boy talking with Sarah right outside the house.  John B. was really pushing Kiara's buttons today, wasn't he? She knew JJ and Pope would stay calm, but bringing Sarah on to the property, into their hangout was bound to get some kind of outburst from the Carrera—and possibly Eden herself.

Which it did.

The tension was thick as John B. ushered Sarah Cameron into his house.  JJ and Pope were looking at Kie with their mouths in straight lines—the girl sending both teens a death stare, more so directed towards the Routledge, because why the hell was she here?—and Eden gave an unimpressed look, but stayed quiet as the blonde quietly took a seat next to her, looking as if she'd rather not be here.

Kiara on the other hand, did not stay silent and was quick to exclaim, "No effing way!" she glared at John B., clearly frustrated and pissed off that he'd had the nerve to bring her, "You brought her here? So what? She's in on this now?"

John B. opened and closed his mouth before looking at Eden and the rest of his friends for help—they were more likely to vouch for him than Kiara.   The Bexley gave him a look, how was she supposed to answer a question that only he could? 

She deadpanned, "You tell me."

"I dunno." Pope shrugged.

JJ pointed at his friend, "Look, all I care about is her cut comes out of your share." 

"Does she even get a share? She has enough cash to her name already."  Eden stated, looking between the rest of her friends for their own opinion on the whole 'Sarah getting a share' matter. 

Bringing the blonde into this gold hunt set off a lot of problems—how much of a share did she get? Hell, did she deserve some of the newfound gold? Not to mention the unnecessary tension that she added. 

"You know, I don't remember taking a vote." Kiara tilted her head at John B., her voice firm and loud to try and state her point—which had already been made rather clear to the group already. "This is our thing.  A Pogue thing."

Pope, giving in too being slightly off-put by Sarah too, said. "I gotta admit, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this."

"Thank you!"

"When are you not uncomfortable?" John B. fired at the Heyward.

"I dunno. I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortably." Pope admitted with slight sarcasm. 

"It's true." JJ nodded in agreement, "Most relaxed I've ever seen him."

The Routledge turned away giving a bitter mutter, "That's cute guys."

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