NINETEEN| oh, the things you do for gold

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EDEN sat in the back of the Twinkie, listening to the conversations between her friends. 

The six teens were currently on their way to the Crain house, now with a plan and some rope in order to retrieve the gold they had concluded was within the basement well.  Sure, they didn't have all the details necessary to succeed—they were unsure on where Mrs. Crain was,  and their plan definitely had room for improvement—but Eden had hope that when they returned to the Chateau, their hands would be full of gold rather than empty.

Pope was currently speaking on how—after getting the gold—the group would trade it off.  Surprisingly, the boy knew a lot about pawn shops and the value of the gold, but was it really surprising? Pope was Pope after all; he wasn't a top runner for a Merit Scholarship for nothing

Across from him, Sarah listened in contently, generally interested.  Kie sent him weird looks every time he mentioned small details, because  why did he know so much on pawn shops when he wanted to be a coroner?  JJ was smoking a joint, aimlessly imputing his own knowledge, which wasn't fact checked.  

Eden sat next to Sarah—she didn't mind sitting next to the Kook now that all tension was gone—letting the conversation fall behind her.  Her eyes glanced over at John B., who sat in the drivers seat, as per usual.

"Hey." the Bexley spoke up. 

"Still mad at me?" John B. asked.

Eden pretended to think about it for a moment before stating, "Not really. But I will be if you pull that shit again, John.  You can leave me stranded on a boat, but do not leave me stranded with two enemies." 

"Yes ma'am." the Routledge boy nodded, before suddenly perking up with another smile. "So....does this mean I get more bracelets?" 

Eden sighed, "I guess it does." 

"JJ will be so happy to hear the good news." 

"I love how you care more about getting more bracelets, then you do about me actually liking you guys again." Eden nodded, acting as if she was truly bothered by his comment.  She knew that the boys loved her anyway—even if getting bracelets was an added bonus to their friendship. "Good to know where I stand..."

John B. rolled his eyes and started to ask questions on what supplies they had, rolling into the Crain house. "Alright, you guys got rope?" 

Eden looked around, seeing the rope they'd brought sitting in Pope's laps, "Rope is a yes."

"Grappling hook?" The Bexley's brows furrow. Why the fuck would they need a grappling hook

 Pope must have had the same thoughts because he replied, "We don't have a grappling hook. We're not Batman."


Kie voiced, "Check."

"Dark clothes?"

Sarah nodded. "Got it."

  Eden looked down at her own black outfit—one of John B.'s black shirts which was slightly over-sized on her figure, and a pair of Kie's gray sweatpants.  Everyone else wore something similar, the Twinkie filled in an array of grays and blacks.


JJ confirmed, "Check."

"Alright, good." John B. stopped the Twinkie, and Eden looked out the window to see they were parked in front of the stone wall from the other day. "We're ready."

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