Chapter 3

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Seulgi's POV

"Ugh," I grumbled. I just woke up with a terrible headache. I still remember what happened last night, or should I say earlier. That's why I don't want to drink alcohol because it will have a negative impact on me the next day. It's as if it hits the bone right away.

Fortunately, it is Saturday today. I attempted to get up, but my headache worsened. I need to take some hangover medicine. But since I can't really get up, I'll probably go back to sleep.

A loud crash downstairs jolted me awake. The time on my wall clock is 6:30 p.m. when I take a look at it. Meaning, she does not love me.

I'm able to get up a little more now that my head doesn't hurt so much. I'm also hungry. I obviously skipped breakfast, lunch, and her— er, snacks. I'm hungry. You already know that I can't live without food; food is life.

Anyway, after brushing my teeth and washing my face, I went downstairs to prepare my meal. I know Hyun will not eat my cooking, so I will not cook for her first. Besides, she must have eaten already because she prefers to eat outside. I'm not even sure if she is already at home. She is usually not at home on weekends.

I was surprised to see Hyun in the kitchen preparing something. Obviously, right? Is there anyone willing to cook at the comfort room.

"H-hyun." Tsk. What's up with the stuttering, Seul? I cleared my throat and called her again.

She looks at me with icy eyes. "What?"

I scratched the back of my neck when she spoke. It's bitterly cold. Is it possible for me to live solely in the North Pole? I think I'll be fine because I'm used to the cold.

"What are you up to?"

She frowned, "Are you blind? Can't you see I'm cooking?" She rolled her eyes and returned to her work.

I winced. You know what she's doing, so why did you ask? Seul, where is our common sense? I believe it has traveled to another planet.

"Ah, well, I'll just wait for you to finish. I'm hungry, so I might eat you," I said at the end. Of course, I am not a brave person, and I am not sure what she would do if she heard it.

I decided to wait until she was finished. I just stood at the counter and observed her.

My baby is really beautiful. Even though she always looks mad at me, her beauty is still unfading. Just look at her face; she has a small and perfect face that appears mature, but her gaze is deadly, and look at those lips; they're pink, and every time I look at them, I want to know what they taste like. Her side profile is equally stunning.

My admiration for her lovely face was cut short when something hit me in the face.

"Stop looking at me," she said coldly, then glared at me.

I furrowed my brows. "Um, is it against the rules to look? I'm just admiring your beauty."

"I know I'm beautiful, but you're not allowed to look at me. Make sure you have money to look at my face because it costs thousands of dollars."

I just shook my head in response to what she said. This girl is fantastic and very self-assured. Luckily, she is stunning, and I love her.

"Uhm... Have you finished what you're doing? I'm hungry and want to cook, but if you haven't finished yet, it's okay, take your time. I can wait longer, for you," I said, my gaze fixed on her eyes. Even though I know there is no certainty, I can still wait.

Instead of responding, she placed something on the table. This food for today's video is absolutely delicious. It consists of fried chicken and mashed potatoes. She also put something in a bowl that I'm not sure what it was. This food looks delicious, which makes me even more hungry. But doesn't she dislike chicken? Perhaps her food preferences have shifted since she no longer eats with me.

When I smell her food, my stomach grumbles. I scratched my brow once more, "Ah, it looks like you're done, I'll cook, enjoy your food," I said shyly.

I was about to go to the refrigerator to get something to cook when she says, "Sit."

Is she talking to me?

Without a doubt! Unless she notices something you don't, it's just the two of you there.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Bear," she said emphatically but calmly. I was taken aback by what I heard. I hadn't heard that name in a long time. She's the only one who calls me that because she came up with the nickname. When things were going well between us, she used to call me that. She always refers to me as that.

I even asked her why, of all the names she could have chosen, she chose that one. She simply stated because it was what she preferred.

I quickly sat in the chair after she instructed me to do so. Even if she turned me into a dog, it's fine. I'm willing to play the role of a dog for her. Besides, I know if she says that word again, I'm doomed.

"This is yours. Eat," she says before storming out of the kitchen.

My brain did not immediately function. Is this true?! Is the food she prepared for me?

My face begins to warm up. Gosh. It turns out that she still has some concern for me. While eating, I feel like a fool. I cannot stop smiling. It's been a long time since I've had this experience. She cooked food for me the last time we were still in college.

She still cooks flawlessly, and the food is still delicious. The chicken flavor is fantastic, and the mashed potatoes are just right.

Do I have any hope for you now, Hyun?

The Unwanted Husband (English Ver.) SeulreneWhere stories live. Discover now