Chapter 24

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Seulgi's POV

"Hon, are you okay?" I was slightly surprised when Hyun held my hand. I didn't even notice that we were already in her car.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine," I replied.

"What happened? I've been calling you for a while, but you weren't responding. Did something happen while I was away?" she asked.

Should I tell her? I wonder what will happen. Will she go to him? Will she leave me?

I have so many questions, and I'm afraid of what might happen if I tell her. I don't want to lose her. I've only just started experiencing things I've wanted for so long.

Even though we're married, there's still a big possibility that she might leave me. I don't think I can handle it if she leaves. She's my everything.

"Hon!" she shouted. I was startled and looked at her.


"Are you really okay? I've been calling you earlier. What really happened?" She crossed her arms and looked at me intently, but I could sense concern in her voice.

"I'm... I'm okay. Where are we going?" I avoided eye contact and fastened my seat belt.

"Home. Do you want to go somewhere else?" she asked.

I shook my head but kept looking outside. I don't want to look at her right now because I know she can sense that something's off. Just one look into my eyes, and I would spill everything.

She let out a sigh before starting the car. "You can tell me anything, hon."


When we arrived home, I opened the gate and closed it behind me. I went straight to the living room and lay down on the couch.

I closed my eyes. I'm tired, and I just want to rest. Bo Gum's words are still lingering in my mind. How can I win?

Can I win?

I know sooner or later they will meet. I know Bo Gum; he's willing to do anything to get what he wants. They were together for four years, so he knows what Hyun wants. He already has an advantage.

I need to think of something to make Hyun stay with me. I have ideas, but I'm not sure if she will like them. But even so, at least I can say I tried.

For now, I'm somewhat confident that Hyun's attention is still on me. I have to think about what I'll do. Like I said, I have to win this time.

I'm lost in my thoughts when I feel someone lying on top of me. I open my eyes and look at her. "Hon, are you really okay? Something's off, tell me so we can find a solution."

Her voice is so soft. It brings me a sense of comfort. She kisses my neck and gazes at me. "I'm good, just tired. I'll rest for a while, Hyun, then I'll cook," I reply and hold her waist.

"Okay, I'll stay by your side. Let's just order food tonight so you don't have to cook." It's a good idea. I'm not sure if I'll even get up from our current position, I prefer it this way.

I close my eyes again as she caresses my hair. I can feel her gaze fixed on me. Minutes pass by, and she continues stroking my hair.

I like the atmosphere here. It's peaceful, and we're simply enjoying each other's presence.

"You're handsome," I hear her whisper.

I chuckle softly and open my eyes. "Of course! I'm your husband. Will I let you be with someone ugly? That beauty of yours only fits to me. We're made for each other."

She rolled her eyes. "Tss! I didn't know your boastful too."

I only laughed at her remark and pull her close to me. "Do you feel better now?" She added.

"Yeah, I always feel better when I'm with you." I answered and flashed her my sweetest smile.

She looked away blushing so I laughed at her. Angry Joohyun is scary but shy Joohyun is cute.


"Hyun, let's go on a date later," I added. It's the next day, and we're here at her company's parking lot. We were about to get out of her car when I stopped her.

"Okay," she replied, and I thought she might refuse.

"Let's go," she said, getting out.

I followed her as she walked ahead. I noticed someone leaning on the elevator door, holding flowers.

Isn't that Bo Gum?

What is he doing here? I can't let Hyun see him. I don't want Hyun to see him. I know there's a good chance that she might see him again, but not now. It's too early.

I quickly grabbed Joohyun's hand, causing her to stop and face me. "A-ah Hyun, I changed my mind. Can we go on a date now?" I asked, hoping she'd agree.

She frowned. "Why? You said later, it's okay for me if we do it later. Besides, I have a lot to do right now," she replied.

I glanced slightly behind her. My eyes widened when I noticed Bo Gum walking towards us.

"Come on, Seul. Let's go on the date later—"

She was about to start walking again, but I didn't let her. I pulled Hyun closer by her waist and kissed her.

Her eyes widened, but she eventually closed them. She held my head to deepen our kiss. I looked at Bo Gum, his fists clenched as he watched us.

I smiled to myself. That's it! She's responding to my kisses. I glanced at Bo Gum once again before closing my eyes.

We stopped kissing as we both ran out of breath. She rested her head on my neck. "What was that for?" she asked.

I caressed her back. "Nothing, I just missed your lips," I replied with a smile.

I smirked as I saw Bo Gum leave, leaving the flowers on the floor.

"Do you want to continue our date?" I asked her.

"Let's do it later, Hon. Like I told you, I still have a lot to do. Come to my office later, okay? We'll have lunch together," she said.

I nodded and kissed her head. "Noted, hon."

I won this round :)

The Unwanted Husband (English Ver.) SeulreneWhere stories live. Discover now