Chapter 42

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Seulgi's POV

Several days had passed since the incident, and we were heading back. According to Hyun, she took me to her private property, somewhere near the Maldives.

No wonder the water was crystal clear, and the surroundings were breathtaking. The sand was pure white and incredibly fine.

We were in her car, heading to an unknown destination. Her head was resting on my shoulder, probably tired from the journey and the plowing I did earlier.

After a while, the car stopped in front of a stunning house. Just the gate alone hinted at the owner's wealth.

I didn't know where we were because, upon disembarking from the plane, a car was already waiting to pick us up. When I asked Hyun where we were going, she just rolled her eyes and leaned on my shoulder to sleep.

"Sir, we have arrived. Please inform Ma'am, thank you!" said the driver before leaving to probably retrieve our belongings from the back.

I hesitated on whether to wake Hyun or not. I didn't want to disturb her peaceful sleep; she seemed so serene and carefree.

As I observed her, her sleeping face became a tranquil portrait illuminated by the soft moonlight filtering through the curtains. Her delicate features exhibited a gentle tranquility that captivated anyone witnessing her slumber.

Each rhythmic breath seemed like a dance with dreams in a realm hidden from the waking world. Her long, dark lashes created subtle shadows on her cheeks, enhancing the ethereal beauty of her face.

The faintest of smiles lingered on her lips, as if she held a secret joy only attainable in dreams. With each rise and fall of her chest, it was as though she breathed life into a tapestry of dreams enveloping her.

In the stillness around us, this space became a haven of peace, with her sleeping form at the center. The hushed silence was only broken by the gentle melody of her breathing, a lullaby soothing the restless souls nearby.

While contemplating, a sense of awe washed over me. How could beauty be found in the simplicity of sleep? How could vulnerability and surrender in rest create a marvelous frame? It reminded me of the profound nature of human existence – even in unconsciousness, we evoke emotions, stir souls, and leave an indelible mark on those who witness our slumber.

Her sleeping face testified to the depth of her being, an invitation to explore the hidden corners of her mind and heart. It offered an opportunity to contemplate life's mysteries and the power of dreams.

I snapped out of my trance when I heard her groan, tightening her hold on me. Deciding to wake her and leave the car, I gently caressed her face. "Hyun, wake up. We're here," I softly said.

She groaned, burying her face further into my neck. I chuckled at her response. "Hon, wake up. It's getting hot in here; it's bad for our health," I teased. It's true that excessive heat isn't good for health, right?

She irritably sat up, hissing at me. "Hon, you're so noisy! Can't you see I'm still sleeping?" she rolled her eyes.

I laughed, pecking her lips. Her expression changed abruptly, and she hid her face again.

She composed herself and looked outside. "Oh, we're here," she said to herself, but I could still hear it since she was so close to me.

"Yeah, where are we?" I asked. I had an idea, but I wanted to make sure.

She looked at me, showing her sweetest smile. "My house, or should I say our home."


We didn't linger in the car for long and got out. Hyun was clinging to me as we walked towards the grand door.

My neck was almost broken from her constant twisting and turning. Nestled in a contemporary neighborhood, Joohyun's mansion stood as a sleek testament to architectural innovation. Its facade harmoniously blended clean lines, large windows, and striking geometric shapes, encapsulating modern design.

The exterior showcased a combination of materials, including sleek glass panels, smooth concrete surfaces, and accents of natural wood or metal finishes. The overall effect was an eye-catching composition displaying a modern, captivating form that resonated with the environment.

Upon reaching the front door, the interior revealed an open-concept living space with a seamless flow and abundant natural light. Muted walls or textured wallpapers provided a backdrop, allowing carefully selected furnishings and art pieces to shine.

Floor-to-ceiling windows blurred the boundaries between interior and exterior, flooding the rooms with sunlight and offering breathtaking views of the surroundings.

"Welcome to our house, Hon!" Hyun warmly greeted as she kissed my cheeks.

Wow, her house is truly stunning. It feels like I'm in a whole new world.

From where we stood, the kitchen was visible.

Her kitchen displayed new and modern appliances, with clean wooden utensils where form and function seamlessly merged. It was a gathering place, with a spacious table encouraging sophisticated conversations and culinary excellence. The dining area, adjacent to the kitchen, featured a minimalist yet elegant table surrounded by modern chairs or benches.

My gaze was interrupted when I heard a shout.

"Mom! You're back! I missed you so much." I recognized that voice.

Iseul ran towards his mother, embracing her tightly. "Where have you been? I missed you; you said it would be quick, but it's been days since you showed up." He pouted.

Hyun lifted him up, kissing his cheeks. "I missed my baby boy too! Don't be sad. Didn't I tell you that once I got back, I have a surprise?"

The little one nodded. "Where is it then?" Iseul asked.

"Iseul, I'm sorry if it takes too long to give you the gift that you wanted for so long," Hyun emotionally said, tears streaming down her face.

"Don't cry, Mom." Using his little finger, Iseul wiped away his Mom's tears.

I smiled at the scene, realizing Hyun had raised a gentleman. It warms my heart, even though I didn't witness much of our child growing up. I'm pretty sure Iseul will grow up to be a compassionate and respectful individual, thanks to the loving upbringing provided by Hyun.

He knows how to treat a woman, better than me.

Hyun smiled. "Iseul, I want you to meet your father, Kang Seulgi," she introduced with a smile.

Iseul quickly looked at me, then rushed down from his mother's arms. He ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

"I knew it!" he exclaimed.

My heart felt heavy with emotion as I heard those tearful words escape Iseul's lips. Tears welled up in my own eyes as I embraced him tightly.

It was a profound moment of connection, a testament to the depth of our bond, and the impact that a parent's love and guidance can have on their child.

I lifted him, hugging him tightly, but making sure he could breathe.

I couldn't hold back my tears. I felt complete and alive. After all these years of feeling incomplete and lonely, I found the cure. No wonder something felt missing; I didn't know I already had a family. They were what was missing in my life.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry, son. I won't leave your side anymore; I promise."

The Unwanted Husband (English Ver.) SeulreneWhere stories live. Discover now