Chapter 8

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Seulgi's POV

It's been three days since Hyun gave me that massive box of Pringles. I gave some to Seungwan, Lisa, and Jeongyeon because I couldn't finish it all and didn't want the food to go to waste. I also gave some to other departments because why not? Sharing is caring. Of course, I saved some for myself.

I put some in my bedroom, kitchen, and even my office desk. I haven't seen Hyun since then, according to her secretary, she is on a business trip outside the country for a few days. Don't get me wrong: neither her secretary nor any of her other employees are aware that I am her husband.

Our department's head happens to go to Hyun because we need his signature on our proposal, which is why we know. We've been working and brainstorming nonstop since the comeback of red velvet is near.

Aseul Corp is an entertainment firm. Hyun's company trains idols, actors and actresses, and promotes the work of artists and writers in a public exhibition for people all over the world. It is one of our country's largest and most successful corporations.

"Let's go eat lunch, Hyung," Lisa suggested.

I nodded. "Alright, you go first, I'll just finish it." I still can't pick for what color we should use for the red velvet's concept. Jeongyeon and I are the two assigned here, we have picked colors but still, I want this to be perfect.

Red velvet deserves the best, not just ordinary since this group is the most legendary and powerful groups. (Hey, I'm not against other group okay? I'm also a blink and 50/50 once but since this is Seulrene's story I have to put this.)

"Maybe you can go past the roof, Hyung, because you're working so hard, you should rest," Lisa joked, wrapping his arms around me.

"I do take breaks. I'll just finish this and then join you for lunch, you go first," I explained.

"All right, we'll just wait for you in the canteen, and I'll head downstairs, Hyung," Lisa said before leaving.

"Okay! Tell Seungwan to order me food as well," I said afterward.

I finished what I was doing in 10 minutes. My phone vibrated just as I was about to get up.

'Did you eat lunch, baby?' I just shook my head at what Jennie texted.

'Not yet. How 'bout you?' I texted back.

'Nope. I was hoping that you haven't eaten lunch yet. I would like to ask you out. Do you want to eat lunch with me?'  She replied.

Do I want to? But I already told Lisa to order me food. The food will go to waste if I don't eat it, besides, the food here is quite expensive.

'I'm sorry, maybe next time. My friends are waiting for me to the canteen and have already ordered lunch. I'll just treat you next time. Eat now, okay? Eat well!' I feel guilty, but if I also eat lunch outside, I might be late too. Plus my food is waiting, and I'm quite hungry.

'It's okay, I understand. You promise, better do it, I'll look forward to it. Eat well too, baby. 😏😘' She replied.

I'm glad she understands. The emoji made me laugh. I first gather my belongings before proceeding to the elevator. I was about to ride the elevator when my name was called.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Kang!"

I turned to face the person. I was even taken aback when I saw the person. It's Ms. Bae secretary, Im Nayeon.

She rushed up to me, out of breath. "W-Wait a m-minute," She say.

"Inhale, Ms. Im, then exhale. Are you all right now, Ms.?" I asked. She nodded and took a deep breath.

"Do you need anything, Ms. Im?" I questioned.

She nodded. "Ms Bae is calling you to her office. She says there's something important that she needs to discuss with you."

I frowned. "Why? Do you know what that is?" I have to ask. She never did anything like that. I know she wants no one to see me as much as possible. If she needs to contact me or someone else, she will always use her secretary.

She is not the type to call up you to her office. According to my other colleague, if they need something from Ms. Bae, they can only go outside her office and Ms. I'm will take care of the rest. That's why I ask her; perhaps she knows something because she's also Ms Bae's messenger.

"I'm not Ms. Bae, Mr. Kang," she sarcastically said as she shook her head.

I scratched my eyebrows. Well, she has a point. "The only thing that she said is that I will send you as soon as possible, because if not—" She paused then held my arm.

"You're fired!" she said impersonating Hyun. "Come on, I still love my job," she said as she dragged me away.

"You're lucky, and you're the employee she'll let in beside me. She'll see investors or important people in other rooms," she added.

Really? Why is this the case? Perhaps something important or valuable is in her office.

I was about to vent when we arrived at her office. "Go inside, Mr. Kang," she said, pushing me further inside. I grabbed the door first because I wasn't ready yet and I didn't want to make another mistake.

"Wait! Don't rush me. Let me prepare first!" She came to a halt and let go of my hand.

She slowly moved away. "Just go inside, you know Ma'am doesn't want to be kept waiting."

I took a deep breath before knocking.  "Come in" I heard her say. I was even more nervous because of the coldness of her voice.

I took a deep breath and knocked. "Come in," she said. The coldness in her voice made me even more nervous.

I swallowed the imaginary lump in my throat before slowly opening the door. "Close the door and lock it," she said, frowning.

I notice she's writing something when I look at her. I stared at her, her beauty never ceases to captivate me. She still looks young and relaxed.

"Why are you still standing there?" she demanded angrily.

I approach her slowly. "Do you need anything, Ma'am?"

I caught my breath when she looked at me. "Take a seat."

I immediately sat in the fourth seat not too close but also not too far. Her eyebrows met and she looked at me. "Why are you there? Sit here."

She indicated the closest chair in front of her table. I stood up and considered sitting. "Your secretary said you needed me?"

I looked away when she just stared at me. My heart was racing and my hands were sweating, so I wiped them on my pants. I'm getting anxious and want to go out to eat.

She turned away from me when my stomach growled. That was embarrassing, so I tightly closed my eyes. "Ahh, I'm sorry, I'm just really hungry," I say.

She knelt to get something from beside her table. She placed a lunchbox and utensils on the table. Why should I be called when she's just going to eat?

"Ah Ms. Bae, why do you want me to—"

"Eat." She cut me off then pushed it towards me. My eyes widened as she said it.

"Pardon?" I asked. Maybe I just heard it wrong. She rolled her eyes before she look at me.

"Don't make me repeat myself." She said before opening the lunchbox.

"Start eating, it's bad to make the food wait."

Okay what's happening?

The Unwanted Husband (English Ver.) SeulreneWhere stories live. Discover now