Chapter 25

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Seulgi's POV

I wonder as I brought my things down to the table, why my co workers are noisy. Even from outside, the noise could already be heard.

I looked at Seungwan and asked, "What's going on? You all look so happy."

"Don't you know?" he replied.

"Why would I ask if I did?" I retorted.

He scratched his head. "I thought your wife already told you," he answered.

I became even more curious about his response. "About what?" I asked, puzzled.

"Well, she just announced to the whole company that we'll have a 3-day trip to Boracay, all the employees included. It starts tomorrow," he answered.

"Plus, she said the entire trip is on her. It's her way of showing appreciation for all our hard work," he added.

He approached me and put his hand on my shoulder. "What did you feed her to make your wife so kind?" he asked, smiling.

"My love," I replied with a smile. I removed his hand from my shoulder and sat down.

Why would Hyun suddenly treat us to a trip?

It couldn't possibly be because of last night, right?

"Seulgi!" she called out to me.

"Hmm," I responded while still looking at my cellphone.

"Look at me!"

"Yeah, yeah, just a moment." I was tempted by what I was watching. Our date was canceled because we decided to eat at home. She wanted to cook something for me, so I agreed.

I'm currently sitting on the couch in our living room because she told me to wait here. She also lent me her phone so I can watch or do anything while she prepares our food.

At first, I was watching mukbang videos, but it made me even hungrier, so I switched to something else.

Now I stumbled upon a vlog showing the beauty of Boracay. The sand is pure white and never gets hot, the shallow water is beautifully turquoise—it's so stunning there.

"That's why you're not looking at me, you're staring at another woman," she said as she appeared beside me.

"H-Hyun, it's not what you think," I quickly replied.

Her fist clenched, and she looked like she was about to punch me. "She's not who I'm looking at, okay—"

"What's the color of her cellphone?" she interrupted me.

I looked at her, puzzled. "Cellphone?"

"W.h.a.t.c.o.l.o.r.i.s.h.e.r.c.e.l.l.p.h.o.n.e., Kang Seulgi," she asked insistently.

I gulped, what color was it? I couldn't remember.

"See! You're looking at the shrimp's body! Just because it has bigger—" I didn't let her finish as I hugged her tightly. "I promise, I wasn't looking at that. I was just amazed by Boracay, okay? That's what her vlog was about."

"Don't be jealous, you're the only one beautiful in my eyes," I added.

She lightly slapped my chest. "I'm not jealous! Tsk!"

She muttered something that I couldn't understand, so I kissed her head playfully.

That's what happened last night. She immediately took her phone back. I thought she was angry at me because she ignored me since last night, so I've been trying to win her over.


'Come to my office.' A text from Hyun.

I just arrived, and she already misses me?

'Why? Miss me?' I replied.

'Just come here 🙄'

I chuckled, stood up, and informed our manager that I needed to get something outside.

"Good morning, Ms. Im! Is Ms. Bae here?" I asked.

"Yeah, do you need something?" Ms. Im raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

What should I say? "Yeah," I scratched my head as I replied.

She looked at me suspiciously. "You can tell me. You know I'm the only one allowed inside her office."

Can I say that Hyun summoned me? "Uh, Hyu—uhm, Ms. Bae wants to see me," I almost slipped and called her by her nickname. Ms. Im would definitely find that strange. "Ms. Bae asked me to come."

"Really? Why didn't Ms. Bae tell me?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, I'm not Ms. Bae." I imitated her answer before.

She laughed and playfully tapped my arm. "Repeating my words, Mr. Kang?"

I was about to respond when my phone vibrated. 'Stop flirting with my secretary, Seulgi! If you don't want her to lose her job too.' My eyes widened as I read the text. She can see us from her office. I imagined her furrowing her brows and glaring at us.

I laughed at the thought. She's really adorable.

Ms. Im's laughter was interrupted by a ringing phone connected to Hyun's office. "Hello, ma'am?" Ms. Im answered the call.

"Let Mr. Kang in and stop flirting with him!" Hyun's voice came through the phone. Ms. Im swiftly hung up the call.

I didn't wait for Ms. Im's response and entered Hyun's office. Judging from her tone, she seemed impatient.

Let Ms. Im wonder. She probably has plenty of questions, but right now, Joohyun is what matters.

"Ms. Bae?" I called out as I entered.

She was facing away from me, sipping something while gazing outside. Her office was located at the top floor of the building, offering a view of the entire city. It was especially beautiful at night. City views are nice, but I prefer the beauty of nature. Nature calms my nerves and brings me peace.

That's why I want to try camping, but there's never enough time. Maybe camping could be our next date? Would she like it?

"Lock the door," she commanded. The last time I was here, I ended up with love bites. I wonder what will happen today?

"Hyun, is it true that the company is going on an outing?" I immediately asked as I approached her.

I sat down on the chair closest to her desk so she wouldn't complain.

She remained facing away from me. "Look to your left."

Curiously, I followed her instruction. There were three suitcases, packed to the brim.

"What are those for? Are you leaving?" I asked nervously. Is she leaving me? Does she know that Bo Gum is here? My heart started racing. Is this the last time I'll see her?

She turned to face me. "Not just me, us."

"Us?" I asked to confirm.

"Yes, I've packed everything we'll need for the outing," she said, relieving the anxiety in my heart. I thought she was leaving.

"Come on, our plane is ready," she said.

"W-wait, Hyun! Right now? I thought it was scheduled for tomorrow?" I asked her.

"They're going tomorrow, Seulgi. We'll head there first because I want to show you that I'm even more beautiful than the girl you were watching on YouTube!" she exclaimed.

She approached me, pulled my tie, and brought me closer. "I'll show you! I look even more stunning in a swimsuit than that shrimp girl over there."

She let go of my tie and pecked my lips. "Let's go! You'll carry those three suitcases," she ordered and walked out of the office.

The Unwanted Husband (English Ver.) SeulreneWhere stories live. Discover now