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The most awaited chapter of this story.

Irene's POV

"Dad, no! Why would you let your daughter marry a man she doesn't love?!" I don't yell at my father, but this time it's different. How can he decide who my child will marry?

"Whether you like it or not, you'll marry Seulgi! Rather than that b*stard!"

Why is Dad so furious with Bogum? From the beginning, I knew he disapproved of our relationship, but it worsened when I woke up in the hospital a month ago.

I don't remember anything about how I ended up in the hospital, whether it was an accident or what. When I woke up, all I could recall was Dad's intense anger toward Bogum.

"Dad?! Why are you doing this?" I angrily shout. He's infuriating me!

"How many times have I told you I don't love Seulgi! I love Bogum; he's the only one I can see my future with. Please don't do this to me, Dad." My heart is breaking. I'm trying my best to convince Dad not to force me to marry Seulgi. I only see Seulgi as my brother and best friend.

"No! My decision is final. You will marry Seulgi next month, end of the discussion." He sternly says and leaves.

I wipe my face. Urghh! I hate him! How many times do I have to tell him that I only want to be with Bogum for the rest of my life?

Maybe if I talk to Seulgi and ask him not to proceed with the wedding, he'll agree. This is my last option; I don't want to marry someone I don't love.

The next day, I immediately look for Seulgi on campus to talk to him. I can't shake off the uneasy feeling of marrying someone I don't love.

"Bear, can we talk?" I calmly ask him, even though deep inside, I want to shout and let out all my frustration.

A smile lights up his face when he sees me. "Oh, it's you, Hyun. Of course, we can talk. What is it about?" Despite the smile, his face betrays confusion.

I look at him intently. It seems he's unaware of the situation. I sigh; it's probably better if I bring up the topic first to give him a chance to refuse Dad's request.

I take him to a secluded place where there aren't many people. "What are we going to talk about?" He asks again.

Gathering courage, I tell myself, "You can do this, Irene! This is for your future."

"Seulgi, do you love me?" I start the conversation.

I can see he's taken aback by what I said. It takes him a few minutes before he responds.

"O-of course. You're my best friend! W-why are you asking?" His response stumbles.

I sigh again. "Can you do me a favor?"

He nods. "What is it?"

"Promise me that you will never accept my Dad's proposal, whatever it may be. Can you do that?"

He gulps. "W-what are your dad's conditions?"

Why is he nervous? He has the right to know what Dad wants, right?

"Seul, Dad wants us to get married." There! I dropped the bomb.

Several minutes pass, and he just stares at me. "I-uh... Hyun, I already know about that."

Suddenly, I feel a surge of confidence. If he knows, then he'll refuse, right?

"You already know, so that's great! Do you have an answer to Dad's offer? Please say no. You know I love Bogum. I can't marry someone-" I stop when I notice him hesitating to smile.

The Unwanted Husband (English Ver.) SeulreneWhere stories live. Discover now