Special Chapter

838 23 4

Irene's POV

"Iseul, where's your Dad?" I asked my son as I noticed him playing alone. Earlier, his father was with him, but now, I don't see him.

He smiled, revealing his dimples. My son is truly handsome; luckily, I have a good eye for choosing.

He paused from playing. "He's in the backyard, Mom. Dad said I should spend time with my sister and play with her." Iseul is 6 years old now, and his charm is evident.

"Where's your sister? I thought your Dad asked you to watch over her?" I asked, realizing she wasn't with him.

His eyes widened, and he stood up. "I-I don't know, I'm sorry, Mom. I got busy playing with my phone and didn't notice her." He apologized, bowing his head.

I approached and hugged him. "It's okay, son. Let's look for her and your Dad together, okay?" He nodded and kissed my cheek.

My husband and I are committed to providing a balanced upbringing for our kids. Financial success aside, we want them to grow up with good manners, avoiding spoiling them. We instill in them the values of hard work and patience.

Seulgi tends to indulge our children, buying them things they don't necessarily need. We even had disagreements over it, like when I stopped him from purchasing unnecessary items.

However, I appreciate the balance we've achieved. While Seulgi buys them new things, our kids haven't become spoiled brats.

Our daughter, Kang Venus, at three years old, is undeniably spoiled by her Dada. She's a true Daddy's girl, and it's amusing how Seulgi can't stand seeing her cry. He even sheds tears when she does – a comical yet endearing sight.

Observing them, I often find myself laughing and capturing the adorable moments between father and daughter.

Equally, Seulgi and I devote time to our children. We make sure to have a day off together each week, spending quality family time indoors or outdoors.

My train of thought was interrupted when Iseul spoke. "Mom, let's go. I think they're still in the backyard."

Iseul and I went there, and what I saw melted my heart. Seulgi was sleeping in the hammock he made for our children, with Venus nestled against his chest.

They were sleeping so peacefully. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of them. I lifted Iseul and placed him in the hammock as well.

"Honey, smile!" I said to Iseul. He smiled, his dimples showing. I approached them and lay beside them. The hammock Hon made was sturdy, ensuring it wouldn't easily collapse.

I looked at my husband. He's still so handsome, his face unchanged. It had only matured more, making him even more attractive to others.

I delicately caressed his face, tracing his features from his forehead to his pointed nose down to his kissable lips. Gosh, it was so tempting!

As I looked at my husband, his unchanged handsome face, I couldn't resist kissing him. Despite being together every day, I still miss his lips, and I doubt I'll ever tire of kissing him.

He slowly opened his eyes, greeted by my smiling face. His eyes formed crescents as he smiled, almost disappearing due to the intensity of his joy.

"Did you have a good sleep?" I asked. I smiled and peck his lips once again.

After a gentle peck on my lips, he kissed my forehead. "I did, I saw you, that's why," he teased, attempting a wink.

Laughing, I recalled how he struggled with winking, always closing both eyes. His pouty response, "Stop laughing at me, Hon," only made me laugh more.

Playfully calling him my "baby giant," I kissed his lips. Iseul's interruption reminded us of our son's presence, and Seulgi pulled him to join our impromptu family cuddle.

"1, 2, 3, attack!" Seulgi shouted, and we bombarded Iseul with kisses, prompting laughter and pleas for us to stop.

Our playful atmosphere only ceased when Venus started crying. I took her in my arms, kissing her. "My lovely beautiful daughter is awake now, huh?"

Iseul joined, kissing Venus's forehead and hugging her. "Stop crying, baby; Kuya's here," he comforted.

A/n: means brother, or big brother

Touched by this sweet moment, tears filled my eyes. Seulgi wiped them away, kissing my forehead. "Why are you crying, Hon?" he asked.

"It's just touching to see how sweet our children are. Iseul is truly a protective older brother," I replied.

"Don't cry, baby; Kuya will protect you no matter what. I love you, even if you grow up. Kuya loves you," Iseul assured Venus.

His words brought more tears to my eyes. I hugged Seulgi tightly, hiding my emotions. Though tears of joy, Iseul disliked seeing me cry.

"Thank you for everything, Hon," Seulgi whispered, his eyes filled with emotions as he gazed at our children.

In this moment, my heart swelled with gratitude. I'm glad I embraced reality, took risks, and didn't give up. Our family is my source of happiness, and I love them dearly.

"Thank you too for loving us and providing for our needs. You're a great father; our children are lucky to have you. I'm grateful I chose you; you're the only one I'll choose, even if given the choice again," I said softly.

"I love you, Kang Seulgi, and our family. Fortunately, I chose a handsome one," I added with a gentle smile.

He laughed. "I love you too, Hon. And of course, I won't let you go to someone ugly. What would your children looked like? Also, I won't allow someone else to taste your sweetness pearl—"

"Kang Seulgi!" I interrupted, playfully swatting his arm. We were in front of the children; he shouldn't be saying such things.

"You won't have me tonight," I teased, smirking.

His eyes widened, and he apologized profusely. "Hon, it was just a joke. Don't be like that; I miss you."

Ignoring his pleas, I focused on our children, laughing and playing. What would I do without my family? They are my happiness; I love them.

I've just realized that it took me 1 year just to finish this story in English. Ahahaha.

Anyways, here a special chap because I will miss this story. Ahahaha

Once again, happy new year guys! ^_^ ^_^ 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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The Unwanted Husband (English Ver.) SeulreneWhere stories live. Discover now