Chapter 33

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Seulgi's POV

"Where have you been?" Jennie asked, her question filled with urgency.

I scratched my head and smiled. "Just around the corner."

"I thought you were just going to grab something?" She raised an eyebrow, examining me closely.

Right, in my haste I forgot to pick up the Lego set. When I accompanied Iseul, I forgot to take the Lego.

"I changed my mind, got hungry again, so I grabbed a quick bite. Why?" I replied. But I couldn't look directly at her; her intense gaze hinted that she suspected something.

"Hmm. Are you hiding something?"

I shook my head quickly. "Nope! Come on, where's Nini?"

"Changing the topic, hmm. I see, I see. Babe, I know you too well. You can't look straight into my eyes if you're lying."

She really knows me. It's not that I'm hiding Iseul from her, but if she finds out, she'll scrutinize it thoroughly. The kid might get scared; Jen might have a tough exterior sometimes, but she's a softie.

I approached and hugged her. "I'll tell you next time, okay? For now, let's go. I know you have a lot to buy, and my wallet can't take it anymore." I shifted the conversation. She wouldn't let up until she knows what's going on.

She leaned back into the embrace and rested her head on my shoulder. "Tsk! You better tell me. And to answer your question, Nini is in the playground. I got worried because it's getting late, and you hadn't returned yet, so I let Nini play at the playground."

I rubbed her back. "I'm sorry if I made you worry. I'll give you a heads-up next time. Let's go? Let's pick up the little kitten."

"Let's just stay like this for 5 more minutes. I missed you so much. I just want to hug you right now."

I nodded and indulged her. I missed her too, so I'll give in.

I kissed her forehead. "I missed you too. I'm sorry, Babe. I love you."

"I love you too. Promise me you'll give me a heads-up next time, alright?"

I nodded with a smile. She playfully slapped my shoulder.

"Let's go pick up Nini." She nodded back, so I intertwined our hands and we started walking.

Her head was resting on my shoulder as we walked. "Babe," she called.


"What if you see Unnie now?" Hmm, what if indeed? But I've moved on. As I said earlier, I'm genuinely happy for her and Bogum if they're married.

"I'd smile at her and say hi. Maybe catch up. Why do you ask?"

"Is that all you'd do? Nothing else?" Her forehead wrinkled.

"Yeah, why? Do you have something in mind?" I asked, curious.

She shook her head. "No, just curious."

"Okay? That's a random question. Let's hurry, Nini might be waiting."

Before we went to Nini, I paid for their groceries and mine, just to avoid any misunderstandings.

When we arrived at the playground, I called out to Nini. She quickly came over, and I scooped her up in my arms.

"Papa! Where have you been?" She asked with crossed arms, just like her mother.

"Ah, just around, hehe." What's with this mother-daughter pair putting pressure on me?

I looked at Jen for help, but she just smirked. Truly mother and daughter. Sigh.

"I'll make sure to tell you next time, alright? Good job, kiddo. Let's head home, please."

"Okay, Papa."


"Are you sure you won't sleep here?" Jen asked.

I dropped them off before heading to my own house. Nini was already in her room, fast asleep. I didn't want to wake her up, so I carried her in.

I shook my head. "Yeah, I'll be over early tomorrow. I still need to sort out my stuff."

She nodded. "Alright, text me when you get home. I love you, take care!" I furrowed my brow as I noticed she seemed to be looking at something behind me.

I was about to turn and see what she was looking at when she suddenly leaned in and kissed me on the lips. It lasted a few minutes before she pulled away.

"Okay?" I responded, curious about the sudden kiss. It wasn't uncommon between us, because she always kiss me on the cheek; it was a bit unexpected.

After I regained my composure, I bid her goodbye. "Noted, bye! I love you too."

I waved at her before leaving for home. My place wasn't too far from theirs. I wanted to be close so I could visit often and keep an eye on them. Plus, I couldn't stand being away from Nini for too long.

I turned on the radio and started jamming to the music. I suddenly noticed a car following me. I stepped on the gas a bit to see if I was imagining things, but it kept tailing me.

Even though I hadn't signaled to turn right yet, I turned the wheel to see if the car would follow suit. It did. I decided to stop on the side of the road to confront the driver.

With my shades on, I got out of my car and walked up to the tinted-windowed vehicle. I knocked on the window, but it stayed closed. I knocked again, but still no response.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Uh, I just wanna ask why you're following me?" I added, growing a bit more suspicious.

It was dark inside the car, making it hard to see the driver. And they weren't rolling down the window either.

All I could see was the driver's head facing forward. "Hello?" I repeated.

The head turned slightly towards me, but I still couldn't make out who it was.

"Wha-" My words were cut off as the car suddenly reversed and sped away.

I was left standing there, puzzled. What was that about? So strange.

After a few more minutes, I got back into my car and continued driving home. I needed to tell Jennie about this; it was pretty creepy.

I arrived home shortly after. It had been a long, eventful day, and I was feeling the effects of jet lag. I was looking forward to some rest. I figured I'd sort out my stuff tomorrow.

As I settled in and changed my clothes, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the home I had now, thanks to my hard-earned money. No longer needing to rely on others was liberating. Jen's advice had really paid off.

I was just about to drift off to sleep when my phone rang, jolting me awake. I fumbled for my phone on the bedside table.

"Hello?" I groggily answered, not bothering to check the caller ID.

Several seconds passed without a response. "Hello?" I repeated.

All I could hear was faint sobbing, but no one spoke. It was too early for someone to be crying.

"Hello? If you don't have anything to say, I'm hanging up."

"I miss you, hon. Come back to us."

The Unwanted Husband (English Ver.) SeulreneWhere stories live. Discover now