Never Bring Sticks to Work

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(This chapter is inspired by ~Broken Wings~ A United Nations x European Union Oneshot by Drunkardbagels)

UN's Pov

I let out a groan as I wake up to the sound of my alarm. As I hit the snooze button, I remember the meeting we have today and groan again, realizing that I'm going to have to deal with a lot of yelling and fighting today. I force myself to get up from my bed and walk to the bathroom to take a shower, once I'm done, I put on my snow-white suit and walk downstairs to eat breakfast.

When I reach the bottom step, I am greeted with a fluffy, white, cloud-like shape slamming into me, knocking me over. The white ball proceeds to lick my face in pure joy. It was my pet Samoyed, Cloud, I scratched his head and stood up, smoothing out my suit as I walked to the kitchen, Cloud following close behind. I fill his bowl and grab some Eggo waffles from the freezer and put them in the microwave, waiting patiently as they cook. Once they are done, I pour myself a cup of coffee and start eating.

Cloud apparently really wanted to play at that moment because he jumped up on the table and his front paws hit my coffee cup, making the hot coffee spill all over me, staining my suit and giving me 1st degree burns. I yelp in pain and glare at Cloud, "Really!?", he whimpers and flatten his ears. "Are you ok Mr. UN?" I turned to see one of the maids working for me in the doorway, a look of concern on her face, "yes I'm fine, someone" I glared at Cloud again, "wanted to play and knocked over my coffee", "ok... You should go get cleaned up, I'll clean up the mess", she said, I get up and begin to walk away, "Thank you", I say as I leave the room.

I head upstairs and begin to clean myself off, and then I remember something, I don't have a spare suit, I let out a groan, "what am I going to do? I can't just show up in a t-shirt and jeans!", then I remember that I do have another suit, but it's not mine, and it's almost a century old, but I don't have a choice, do I? Let's hope no one recognizes the dark blue suit.

~5 minutes later~

I stare at myself in the mirror, inspecting the way the suit fits and looks on me. 'It's crazy', I thought, 'it fits me perfectly', I looked down at my watch, the time was 9:20, only 10 minutes to get to the building and set everything up, guess no breakfast for me... great.

I hurried downstairs and grabbed my keys before running out the door, giving Cloud a few head pats before leaving. I get into my sky-blue convertible car and begin the 5-minute drive to the UN building.

Once I arrive at the building, I run up the steps and through the halls to the main meeting room where the other 3 organizations were finishing setting up.

"Well, well, well, look who finally showed up", NATO said, glaring at me, "be quiet NATO, you try having a dog who wants to play all the time", I say back, walking up to the three, "since when did you have a dark blue suit?", EU asked, "I've had it forever, just never wore it because it's not mine". I respond while quickly setting up everything I need for the meeting, occasionally looking out the window checking to see if any countries have arrived.

ASEAN then asked, "who did it belong to?", "nobody you need to know", just then Germany walked in, "good morning, Deutschland", EU greeted, "Good morning" Germany said as he sat down.

I finish setting up just in time for more countries to come in, most counties would stare at me in the suit when they walked in, others would just be too tired to even notice. Then America walked in, hands behind his back, holding something, I can't tell what, but he has something that he's going to use to make this meeting a living nightmare for everyone.

When he saw what I was wearing he stopped, his smile fading from his face, I couldn't see his eyes due to the sunglasses perched on his nose, but I definitely knew his eyes were narrowed, he recognizes the suit, but he doesn't say anything and just sits down with whatever he has. I started the meeting.

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