Black Eyes and... Snakes?

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I shot up in the hospital bed right as the spikes slammed into my eyes. I looked around me and see UN crying on my left and WHO on my right, both had shell-shocked looks on their faces. "The fuck," WHO mumbled, I felt a wetness on my face and when I wiped it away, a black liquid came off. WHO rushed to his desk and started rummaging around for something, he grabbed cotton balls and a test tube looking thing and rushes back over to me, wiping some of the liquid off my face and shoving the cotton ball into the tube, "hey what the fuck?!" I question, "bitch how fucking dare you get a sample for yourself and not me?!" ASEAN yelled at WHO, "oh, sorry," WHO said while getting another tube and cotton ball, repeating his actions from before and handing ASEAN the second test tube.

UN hugged me and buried his face into my neck, "hey, hey, it's ok, I'm fine, see?" I comfort while rubbing his back, "no... no you're not... Y-your eyes..." he mumbled, "what about my eyes?" I question, he stops hugging me and grabs his phone while whipping his eyes. He hands me the phone with the camera app open and on the front facing camera. I understand now what he was talking about when he said my eyes were messed up. My eyes were completely black except for bright yellow star pupils, black goo was leaking from my eyes and was smeared all over my face from WHO taking "samples" of it, "can you, um, get me a paper towel or washcloth or something," I quietly ask UN while studding my eyes, he nods and walks to the counter to grab something to clean my face with.

UN comes back and hands me a wet wipe and I clean the black goo off my face before throwing the wet wipe in the trash. "UN go sit down, I know you want to be near your boyfriend right now, but you still need rest, especially since you woke up screaming about 'him'," WHO commanded, UN went and sat on his bed reluctantly after kissing m on the cheek and NATO said, "Hey, WHO," "hm?" WHO replied while messing with the cotton ball, "isn't there supposed to be a staff with a snake wrapped around it on your halo? You know, like your flag, since our halos are just our flag symbols," WHO looked up at his halo, his tail flicking around as he noticed what NATO had pointed out, "uh, yeah, you're right, the fuck happened to my halo?" WHO grabbed his halo and pulled it down in front of his face to examine it, abandoning the cotton ball.

"Mr. WHO!" a female nurse ran into the room, "what? What's wrong?" WHO said while letting his halo go back to its place above his head, "there's a problem in the lobby, there's, uh, someone who wants to see you," "oh god damnit, is there another fucking Karen and her kid here again?" "Um, no, I think it's best if you just follow me, sir," WHO nods, and the nurse leads him out of the room to go deal with whatever is happening in the lobby.


I follow the nurse, Lilah, down to the lobby to see a biggest fucking snake I've ever seen, it was at least 3 feet long, which I know there's longer snakes, but I haven't seen many snakes in my life. It had shiny, white scales with black beady eyes and some sort of wand, that was also white for some reason, in its mouth. "Haha, what's the number for animal control?" I say while backing away from the big ass snake, 'there isssss no need for animal control masssssster WHO, I mean no harm, I am here to return to you, my masssssterrrr, I do not mean to ssssssstartle nor sssssccarre you, I am here to return to my placccceeeee wittttthhhhhhh thisssssss,' a female voice hissed in my head, "d-did you just do that," I say while pointing at the snake, 'yesssss ssssir, my name issssssss Lily, the ssssssnake who livessssss in your halo,' "Mr. WHO, who are you talking to?" Lilah asked, "the snake," "what?" "you guys don't hear it talking?" Everyone in the room shook their head while looking at me like I was crazy, 'only you can hear me sssssir, may I sssssit on your shouldersssssss now ssssir? Sssssssoo I can return to my placccccceeee in your halo' Lily asked, I shake my head and say, "uh, don't return to it yet, uh, Lily, I want to show you to some people," the snake nodded and slivered to me, shoving the staff into my hand and circling up and around my leg, then up my torso, and then up to my neck, getting comfy around my shoulders and laying her head down right next to my face.

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