I'm not a N@z! Arsonist - EU

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~6 1/2 hours later~

My eyes flutter open to a pitch-black room, 'ah shit, I'm still here? Fucking christ' I thought I was still with LON, but there was a beeping noise, 4 beeping noises, heart monitors, 'I'm not with LON, I'm in the hospital, where are the lights?' I sat up and looked around, the only lights that were in the room were from heart monitor screens. My arms, legs, face, and torso were wrapped in bloody bandages, 'god, I probably look like a mummy, oh, I can just use that trick thing I did a few months ago,' I let my stars wrap tight around head and make the cuts and bandages disappear and do the same for the rest of my body before getting up and look around. I was placed at the far-left end of the room, next to me was BRICS, then AU, then ASEAN, but no NATO, I wonder where he is. An IV drip was attached to my wrist leaking blood into my veins. I look at the bag of blood and see it's halfway done, so I gently pull out the drip from my arm and toss it to the little table next to my bed, 'I need my phone, I need to call UN, but where is it?' I thought about where my phone could be while looking around the room and decided that it might be in WHO's office.

I exit the room and quietly shut the door behind me, now to go find WHO's office, shit, I don't know where his office is, maybe the top floor, I think that's where offices are in hospitals or something, do hospitals even have offices? I'll just wonder until I find his office. I walk around the halls after taking a mental note of where my hospital room was and ended up running into a nurse, "oh, hello Mr. EU, you shouldn't be out of bed, nor out of your room at all at this time of night," she said, "oh, um, I was just looking for WHO's office, I need my phone to make a call to someone," I reply, "are you trying to call your boyfriend?" "I'm sorry, what??" "UN, your boyfriend," "um, me and UN aren't dating, where did you hear such ridiculous rumors?" I chuckle nervously, "it's all over the news, plus some other stuff, but what people are mostly focusing on is that you and UN are dating," I stare at her for a little bit before saying "ok, where is WHO's office? I need to check a lot of things," "I can't open his office, he isn't here right now so he can't open his office either, but I can use the computer in your room to find some articles about everything," "ok," "what is your room number?" "Um, 369 (yes I am that immature)," "ok, follow me," I followed the nurse back to my room and when she opened the door, we saw ASEAN awake and wildly looking around while his heart monitor was going crazy. The nurse rushed over to him and tried to calm him down while I just stood in the doorway just watching them.

She gets him calm enough to where she can ask, "hey, why are you freaking out? It's ok, you're safe here," "where's NATO??? He didn't die of blood loss, right?? Please don't tell me my only friend is dead," ASEAN questioned while still glancing around, "the fuck am I then? A roach?" I complain while going over to his bed, "right, um, I forgot you existed for a second, sorry," he gave me a sheepish smile before correcting himself, "I meant to say best friend, I consider NATO my best friend," I raise a brow and question, "you sure he isn't your boyfriend? Y'all seem real close sometimes," "what, ew, no, I'm aroace dumbass, also he's a whore," the nurse covers her mouth in an attempt to not snort but she fails, and ASEAN and I can clearly hear her laughing into her hand. "Ok, but seriously, where is NATO??" ASEAN questions the nurse again once she's calmed down, "I believe he is in the private hospital room Mr. WHO keeps for Mr. UN," as ASEAN questions the nurse on NATOs condition, I begin to feel lightheaded for some reason. I stumbled, almost falling to the ground, but I used the bedside table beside me to keep balance, "you good EU?" ASEAN questions while giving me a questioning look, "y-yeah, I'm fine, just a little lightheaded," I mumble, using the bedside table to keep myself from falling, the dizziness just won't go away.

The nurse seems to notice something behind me and walks over to my bed, picking up the IV drip I left on my bedside table, "did you take this out of your arm?" she questions me, "um, yeah, I thought I didn't need to have it cause it's like midnight, and we were injured around noon," she put the drip back down and made me get back in my bed, and got something to clean the needle thing and put it back in my wrist, "don't pull it out, you were the one who lost the most blood, other than Mr. NATO of course," she scolded, "ok, sorry, um, can I see the articles now?" she rolls her eyes and goes over to the computer, logging into it and typing something in. While she was looking something up, BRICS, who was sleeping right next to me, started snoring incredibly loud, "what the fuck," ASEAN mumbled, AU groaned and mumble, "BRICS shut the fuck uuuuuupppp," she sat up and rubbed her eyes before leaning over and smacking BRICS in the face, not even noticing us. BRICS snorted before sitting up fast in his bed looking around before spotting AU glaring at him, "what? Why'd you wake me up asshole?" he questioned while rubbing his eyes, "you woke me up with your snoring, it's payback," she crossed her arms and glared even harder at him, "you're such a bitch, can't believe South Africa made me marry you for "eCoNoMiC bEnIfItS" he's not even my real dad," "fuck you too," "I'm sorry, what was that about y'all being married???" ASEAN questioned while looking them wide eyed, "oh, you're awake, well, I guess the fucking cat is out of the bag, well, if you must know, when I was 20 and BRICS was 18, we were forced to get married, South Africa and Ethiopia were just starting to become "friends" and South Africa had just so happened to join BRICS around 2010, giving him the idea to get Russia, BRICS' "parent" at the time, to let him marry BRICS off to me, when we were the right age, lucky for him, Russia said yes, so he went to Ethiopia, he also said yes, so in 2019, we got married, secretly, and we never told anyone because we were so embarrassed that we had to do that," AU explained in one breath before going back under the covers and getting comfortable, "I'm going back to bed, being attacked by some weird demon who is also just targeting us because he hates UN and having to explain why that ugly bitch next to me is my husband is quite tiring, so goodnight everyone," BRICS huffs and glares at AU before turning away from her and going back to sleep as well.

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