First Date

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'Great, I'm here once again, god I wish he would just leave me alone,' I thought as I looked around the pitch-black void, 'now where is he?' I question as I look for the white and blue figure. I turn around to see LON only a foot away from me, he's just as creepy as ever. He punched me in the face, "ow!" I cry out, he laughed at me, "p@tH3t1C, c@nT 3vEn DeF3Nd y0uR$3lf," I hold the part of my face where he hit me and I say, "I am the symbol of peace, you of all people should know that since you always claim that I stole your job, as the symbol of peace I should solve problems with non-violent solutions, therefore I do not need to know how to defend myself because I should have little to no enemies because once again, I am just trying to help people and bring peace to the world," He frowned at that, I glare at him dead in his soulless eyes. "1'm d0n3 wItH y()U, w@k3 uP aNd g() b@cK t() y0uR l1tTl3 b0yFr13nD," and like every other encounter I've had with him, everything disappeared, and I woke up in a cold sweat.

~Time Skip to Valentine's Day~

I was getting ready for me and EU's date when he came into my room to tell me he was going to the store, "hey UN, I'm going to go to the store real quick, I need to get something," "alright, but be back quickly, the reservations are in 45 minutes," "don't worry, I'll be back by then," and with that he left the room. My sweet puppy booped my door open and trotted into my room with a cupcake squeaky toy in his mouth, "why hello there," I greet my fluffy companion in a high-pitched voice, he comes closer to me and squeaks the toy, "aww, you wanna play? I'm sorry buddy, I need to get ready for my and EU's date, we can play when we come home," I pet the dog's head and he jumped on my bed and started gnawing on the toy.

I sift through my clothes trying to decide on what to wear. I decided on an off the shoulder, white sweater, a pair of jean shorts, white cat socks that went up to my thigh, and a pair of cute black boots. I get dressed, brush my hair, and I put in some cute hair clips. I go to my jewelry box and pull out my favorite bracelet and choker necklace and put the two on to finalize my outfit. 'Now time to wait for EU to come back' I thought, I go downstairs with Cloud close behind and I sit on the couch with Cloud.

~Time Skip~

I hear a knock on the door, so I get up and open the door to see EU in a suit and a bouquet of pastel blue and white flowers, "good evening, ready for our date?" he says with a cocky smile, I giggle at him and take the flowers, "how did you pull this off? You left in a t-shirt and jeans," I question, he smirks and replies with, "I hid my suit in the trunk of my car so I could change into it at my house after getting these flowers from the store, now, shall we get going?" "Yes we should" I say with a smile. I hook my arm threw his and he leads me to his car, he opens the door for me, and I sit down in the passenger seat.

~Time Skip to restaurant~

We arrive at the restaurant, and we get seated in booths. "So, what do you want to eat?" EU asks, I look over the menu and decide on the 8oz ribeye steak, "I think I'll have the 8oz ribeye," he nods and says, "I think I'll have that as well," the waiter comes back with our drinks and asks if we have decided on what to eat, we tell him our order, he walks away leaving me and EU alone.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" he questions, I shrug, "hm, maybe about how I feel overdressed," EU jokes, I giggle and say, "more like I'm under dressed, maybe I should've worn a dress," he snickers, "what if we do this date like how some high schoolers would do it?" he says, "and how is that?" "We go to a mountain peak to watch the sunrise and make out," I blush and giggle, "I might like that idea," he starts to blush as well, but before he can say anything else the waiter comes back with our food. "After dinner there's somewhere I want to take you to," EU says while cutting his steak, "oh really? Is it maybe a mountain peak where we can watch the sunrise and kiss?" I jokingly ask, "maybe~" he says with a sly smile, I blush and giggle at his remark.

I finish cutting up my steak and I start eating the savory meal, "ya know, when I first learned about you and your job, for some reason I thought you were a vegan," EU says, "oh really? Why'd you think that?" "Because you're the symbol of peace and what not, you don't like violence and you want everyone to be happy, that makes me think you wouldn't want to hurt animals and eat animals knowing that eating animals means one had to die," I think about that for a moment, "that does sound like a logical assumption of me, but it's wrong, I actually love meat products, yet I do love animals as well," he nods and we go back to our meals. Throughout the meal we had small talk about work and other things in our life, occasionally flirting a bit, this date was going perfectly, I really hope nothing ruins it, God I love EU, I've been loving him for a while now.

~Time Skip~

EU pays for the meal and leaves a generous tip for the waiter. We exit the restaurant and head to his car so he can take me to wherever he wants to take me. "So where are you taking me?" I question, "somewhere" he replies and a smirk, "oh come on, just tell me," "just be patient, I promise it'll be better if it's a surprise," I groan and lean my head on his shoulder to show him how upset I was. "Oh stop being a baby, you'll be happier once we get there and I give you the gifts I've been preparing," I perked up at gifts, "really? That's what got you excited? The mentions of gifts?" he laughs at me, I plush and huff at him, "aww, is someone angry?" he teases, I stick my tongue out at him and I go back to leaning my head on his shoulder.

We finally get to the place he wanted to take me to, he blindfolds me and helps me out of the car. "Are you about to kill me?" I question jokingly, he laughs and says, "no I'm not going to kill you," "then why did I hear you get something from your trunk?" I snicker, "I was getting your present, I hid them in the trunk of my car so you wouldn't see them and ruin the surprise," he puts a hand around my waist and begins to lead me somewhere, I have no idea where we are going but I do hear the crunch of gravel as we walk.

Eventually EU stops and pulls off my blindfold, "here we are" he says, we were on a mountain peak overlooking the city, I snicker and say, "is this why you brought up high schoolers kissing on mountain peaks?" he smiles and says, "maybe~ do you want your presents now?" I nod and he tells me to close my eyes, so I shut them. I felt a cold chain be latched around my neck, "open your eyes," I open them to see EU holding a box of chocolates and a white, fluffy teddy bear, I look down and see a beautiful necklace hanging from my neck, "oh my god, it's beautiful, thank you EU," I say with a smile, he hands me the chocolate and bear then wraps his arms around my waist.

We were so close now; his nose was touching mine. I shift the items in my arms into my left hand so I can reach up with my right and place it on his cheek, he slowly gets closer to me and closes the space between us with a kiss. It was a gentle kiss, gentle but sweet. I shut my eyes and savor the moment, I never wanted this to end. After a bit me and EU separate to catch our breath, he leans down to my ear and whispers, "I love you, UN," "I love you too EU," we kiss again and finally decide to get back in the car to go home. EU reaches back and grabs a rose from the bouquet of flowers, he places the rose in my hair and kisses my cheek, "you look beautiful," he says, I smile and lean my head on his shoulder. This night was perfect.


How many of you thought there was going to be something to ruin their moment lol, yay, UN and EU are dating now :D also I finished this chapter in only a couple hours, I hope you enjoyed ^^, also thanks for over 300 reads ^^

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