New tail

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The main four organizations, me, EU, ASEAN, and NATO, plus FBI, all sat in my hospital room watching my little brother look around his cabinet of potions for some random potion he probably wants to test. I was laying down on the bed rolling around and trying to get comfortable while the others were stuck standing around with nowhere to sit. I would've let EU cuddle with me but then all the others would know about our relationship. I wonder when it would be a good time to tell them.

WHO finally found what he was looking for, which was a white potion labeled arms. I once asked him why he had potions for each limb, he said it was because there are different types of muscles in each limb, so they require a different potion. He place the potion next to me and turned to the other organizations, "alright, so you all know by now that I have 'healing' potions, and since you all know this I want to try something, except you NATO, I already know what happens with you," WHO started, "whenever I use my potions on either UN or NATO, or even myself, the scars come out white, what I want to test today is to see if they come out white because that's the secondary color of our flags or I just accidentally made it to where it replaces our skin with white flesh," WHO smiled and then turned to me, winking in the process before turning around fully to grab a scalpel, "alright, EU, ASEAN, FBI?" he starts, "yes?" the three men in question said in unison, "take your shirts off, it'll be easier for me to test this," I realized what my brother was doing and glared at him, he glanced back at me and smirked.

I glance back at the men behind me and they're all shifting uncomfortably, except ASEAN, he was messing with something in his pocket, "I have to pee..." FBI says before quickly walking out of the room. "EU can you grab some cotton balls for me? They're in the drawer right under the potions," "um, sure I guess," EU turned to retrieve the requested item. I turned back to my brother, and he turned to me, I whispered, "really? I've seen EU shirtless, how come you're trying to fluster me or something??" "How many times have you actually seen him shirtless?" "... once..." "exactly, you guys have been dating for what, 3? 4? Months? Was the time you saw him shirtless even on purpose?" "I actually didn't even see him shirtless... I, uh, well, LON smashed my face into my mirror so I couldn't see anything, so I felt that he was shirtless... But I didn't actually see him..." I laugh uncomfortably while he gives me an, 'are you serious look?'

While we were having our little conversation about my love life, we didn't seem to notice ASEAN sneaking up on us with 2 syringes. I felt a sharp pain in my wrist and looked down to see ASEAN injecting me and WHO with some green liquid, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?" My brother yelled at him, he pulled the syringes out and put them back in his pockets, "what the hell is happening??" EU said walking over, "THIS BITCH JUST INJECTED UP WITH SOMETHING GREEN," my brother yelled again, slapping ASEAN in the process, "Jesus fuck, that hurt asshole, also calm down, it was just a little elixir I made that alters your DNA a bit, I felt like you both, well mostly UN, would enjoy what it causes so I made it and it should go into effect in about 5 minutes," ASEAN explained, "ASEAN," I start, laughing a bit at how dumb this situation was, "what do you mean it alters our DNA?? What did you do to us???" I was starting to have an internal panic attack from all the things I was thinking of that this 'elixir' could do to us when ASEAN said, "you'll find out, It won't hurt, I promise, and it isn't bad at all, just calm down and you both will be perfectly fine," EU smacked him on the back of his head and yelled something in audible. I felt tired, really tired, I looked at my brother and saw that he looked tired too.

WHO stumbled a bit, and I heard NATO say, although it was very muffled, "are you guys ok?" EU put a hand on my shoulder and NATO walked over to balance WHO, "ASEAN what the actual fuck did you do to my brothers," I heard NATO say, "this... This isn't supposed to happen, this isn't right," ASEAN said, "God damnit ASEAN, this is why you don't fuck with weird sciency shit," EU groaned, "I tested it like a thousand times! None of the lab rats passed out from it!" That was all I heard before my vision slipped from me and I collapsed into EU's arms.

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