Molting season came early, Ugh

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I glared at the "ghost" man standing in front of us, I knew from seeing him before that it was the man causing UN all these problems. "s0 yU()r'R3 tH3 m@N mY r3pL@c3MeNt 1$ iN l()v3 w!Th," UN huddles close to me, clutching me tight. "What do you want bitch, why can't you just leave UN alone, he hasn't done anything to you!" I yell, glaring daggers at the man in front of me. He snaps his fingers and a spike with razor sharp points on each end. The spike shot forward and stopped right at my neck, just barely grazing my neck, "1 sUgG3$t y0u w@tcH y()uR t0n3 b()y," he growls. UN clutches me tighter and stares wide eyed at the spike that is about to pierce my throat, he turns to LON and cries out, "stop! Don't hurt him please!" LON slowly slides the spike up my neck and to my chin, leaving a thin scar on my neck.

The spike suddenly disappeared, and I put a hand to my throat feeling blood dripping from the small wound. The crack-covered demon strides forward and stops 2 feet away from me and UN, he stares right into my eyes, "Ju$t kN()\/\/ tH@t b31nG uN'$ l1tTl3 b()YfR!3nD /\/\3@nS y()u W1lL sUfF3r mY r@th @$ w3Ll" I feel my blood boil as I hear UN beg him to not hurt me and to leave me alone. A golden star suddenly shot from my halo and stuck itself in LON's forehead, cracking his face even more. I hear UN gasp and LON growled, "1 w@rn3d yOu 3uR()p3@n Un1()n" all of a sudden, he disappeared after my star returned to my halo and all of the inky black liquid disappeared and my office came back into view with everything sitting exactly where I left it.

We stood in the middle of the room staring at my desk. I looked down at UN who was shaking and crying a bit. I touched my neck and pulled my hand away to see a line of blood on it. UN looked up at me and said in a shaky voice, "w-we should get t-that bandaged u-up..." I nodded and went to sit down on my desk chair as he went to the bathroom, making sure he checked out what was in the room before going in. He comes back with some bandages in hand. He gently wrapped the bandages around my neck and kissed my cheek while wiping tears from his eyes.

I pull him into my lap and let him snuggle up to me and get comfortable. "Why did you provoke him...?" he questions quietly, "I didn't mean to... I was just upset that he is the man who has been tormenting you over something so small like you wearing his suit, and when I heard you crying and begging him to not hurt me... I was just pissed and so mad about the fact that he was making you cry and freak out," he buried his face deeper into my neck and I could hear his breath even out, signaling to me that he fell asleep. I sigh and just go back to doing my paperwork to keep my mind off of what just happened.

~1 week later because I have to many ideas ->-~


I was nice and warm in my bed; it was a peaceful morning so far and I was so glad that I scheduled the meeting for the afternoon today. I snuggled closer to EU and placed my right wing over me and EU. He was still asleep, and I was just sitting there all nice and comfy in his arms. But as part of my wing slid across my arm, I felt cold skin touch my arm. I opened my eyes and checked my wing; a bunch of feathers were missing in multiple patches of bare skin on my wing. I frown at this, it was the same pattern of feathers falling as when I molt, but molting season was in July, it was currently February, I glanced around me and EU to see us covered in my snow-white feathers.

I gently shake EU trying to wake him up, "mmmmm, what UN? I'm tired..." he groans, "wake up, it's important," he opens his eyes and looks at me curiously, "what's wrong?" he questions, I sit up in bed and show him my wings, "did you accidentally rip out your feather while we were sleeping?" he questions while sitting up, "no, it's the same pattern as my molting season, but molting season is in July," "maybe it came early this year," I frown and pout about my wings, "oh come on, it can't be that bad," he says, I just pout more, molting season has always made me more prone to getting angry and emotional at small inconveniences. He pulls me into his lap and kisses my nose, "you'll be fine, how long does your molting season last?" he questions, "12 weeks...," I mumble, burying my face into his neck.

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