The dead babies aren't real, you didn't do anything wrong - UN's therapist

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(I would just like to say that before you read this chapter, the babies that are in this chapter are the fault of a friend, so don't get mad at me please, get mad at my friend for encouraging the baby's existence ^^)


'I'm here again, great' I look around the black void trying to find the source of the reason I'm here. "B()o" he said behind me, I jump and quickly turn around to see his cracked face, "y()U sUPr1$eD m3 t()d@y, d1D/\/'t kN0w y0u h@d tH3 gUt$ t() k1Ll s()m3o/\/3, s()fTy," he teased, "I-I didn't mean to! I didn't even know I could do that!" I try to explain, "y()u'R3 m()r3 0f @ c()pYc@t tH3n 1 tH()uGhT, Th0uGh ! w@$n'T @ mUrd3rER" "I'm not a m-murderer! I didn't mean to kill them!" "k1Ll!nG s()/\/\3oN3 m@k3s yOU a MuRd3r dU/\/\b@s$" he shoves me to the ground and disappears, "MURDERER, MURDERER, MURDERER" someone thundered around me, it was so loud I had to cover my ears just to keep my eardrums from bursting. The voice morphed into multiple voices, 9 voices to be exact, NATO, ASEAN, WHO, America, Russia, China, UK, France, and worst of all, EU.

Cracked versions of each person yelling appeared around me. They stopped yelling and started whispering to each other, the 5 countries whispering about how LON was better and how I need to be dissolved since I was so useless, the 4 organizations started whispering about how I was a crybaby, a weakling, worthless, and how EU made a mistake on loving me. I cover my ear more and start yelling, "STOP TALKING, YOU'RE NOT REAL, YOU'RE NOT REAL, YOU'RE NOT REAL, YOU'RE NOT REAL, YOU'RE NOT REAL, YOU'RE NOT REAL, YOU'RE NOT REAL, YOU'RE NOT REAL, YOU'RE NOT REAL, YOU'RE NOT REAL, YOU'RE NOT REAL," I break down crying, 'they're probably right... I should just give up...' "you're not real..." I choke out a sob as the whispers get louder and louder to where I can't even make out what they're saying anymore.

I woke up with a start and shot up in, bed? Where am I? "Good afternoon," I heard NATO say. I look to my side to see NATO and ASEAN both sitting on my right, in, hospital beds? "When... When did we get to the hospital?" I questioned while looking around, "like 2 hours ago I think," ASEAN replied while not looking up from a book, "where's EU? What happened?" "You had a panic attack and passed out, that's when the cops and medics came in and took the 4 of us here, and for EU, he's in surgery," NATO explained calmly, "what!? What do you mean he's in surgery!?" I start freaking out about all the possibilities that could've happened from the time I passed out to now when ASEAN spoke up, finally looking up from his book, "NATO! Don't just tell the man his boyfriend is in surgery and not give an explanation, UN, he's in surgery because the bullet in his chest was like super deep to where they couldn't pull it out without accidentally hitting something, don't worry, WHO is the one doing the surgery and before he took EU back he told us to tell you that EU will be fine and isn't going to die," "didn't he say it almost his EU's lungs?" NATO questioned, "NATO I swear to god I'm going to kill your shot ass," I start biting my fingernails as I think about EU and how so many things can go wrong while in surgery.

"UN calm down, he's fine, you know for a fact that WHO is the most qualified and most likely the best surgeon in the world, since, you know, he's the World Health Organization, he has a doctorate in like everything medical, I think," ASEAN says, trying to comfort me, "I know WHO is super qualified for like everything medical related, but that still doesn't take the worry out from my mind, like, he just has to drop whatever he's holding and it's over for EU, well not over but still, it will hurt him greatly and he has to get a transplant of some sorts and, and, then he probably won't be able to find a transplant because we're organizations and we probably need a certain type of our organs since we're technically immortal," I ramble, making myself worry even more.

"UN why don't you take a nap, it'll ease your nerves and maybe when you wake up EU will be out of surgery and maybe even awake if you're asleep long enough," ASEAN suggests, I think about it and decide I'll do what he suggests. I nod and get under the covers; I shut my eyes and attempt to get to sleep.

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