The End

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I stood in shock as I looked at UN passed out on the floor with LON hugging him. All I knew was that the maids saw UN crying and locking himself in his room so they called me to come talk to him, then when I got into his bedroom all I see is him sitting on the floor with a fucking gun to his head like he was about to shoot himself and LON ran in from the bathroom and tackled UN to the ground before he could shoot himself. "What... what the fuck is going on??" I yell as I look at LON sobbing over UN's unconscious body, "I-1 d-D!d/\/'T m3@n t0! 1-! d1dn'T w@nT tH1$!" LON yells, I rush over to UN and check his head for any injuries. He was bleeding from the back of his head, but I think that's just because he hit his head on the night table when LON tackled him to the ground.

"I'm... I'm going to call an ambulance, just in case," I say as I pull out my phone and quickly dial WHO, as I do this LON starts coughing up a gross black liquid, "oh gross, what the fuck is that??" I say in disgust as I pull UN away from him. LON doesn't say anything (aka I'm getting tired of writing weirdly to show how he talks-) but he quickly runs into the bathroom and starts knocking shit over. I peek inside the bathroom, and he's gone, forget it, there's more important matters right now. I quickly dial WHO's number and tie my shirt around UN's head to stop the bleeding while I wait for WHO to finally PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE GOD DAMNIT! 2 balls of fur stand next to me and start sniffing at UN, "hi Cloud, hi Bear, who the fuck are you-" a little, white cat nuzzles into UN's chest, "where did you come from? Did UN bring you home?" I gently pet the cat and WHO FINALLY picks up, "what you want bitch?" he says in an annoyed tone, "well, UN just tried to shoot himself but LON stopped him but UN hit his head on the end table so now he requires medical attention please," I spoke really fast, and WHO hung up on me, so I guess that means help is on the way, but why are short people always so angry?

I hold UN close and wait for the ambulance to arrive.

~time skip because this is the final chapter except for the epilogue and I'm lazy~

I sat in the hospital waiting room with ASEAN, AU, and BRICS, waiting for WHO to tell us UN didn't have any brain damage. While we waited, I told them what had happened, "so you're telling me that LON was crying over UN's unconscious body and that he saved UN from killing himself?" AU asked while ASEAN was drawing something in a notebook, "yes, that is everything I saw when I got to UN, it was so confusing for a second I thought I was dreaming," I replied, "this sounds like one of those superhero movies where the villain and hero become friends and defeat a bigger threat," BRICS says, "yeah, I hope LON wasn't just playing a part though, I hope he was being genuine, I want this to stop, this is going way to far... ASEAN what the fuck are you doing?" I attempt to peek over at his drawing, but he pulls away and says, "I'm sketching something," "sketching what?" "you'll see later, in a few weeks or something," "few weeks? What are you doing?" AU grabs the notebook from ASEAN and looks at this, she says, confused, "is this a blueprint for a robotic arm?" "Give it back dickhead!" ASEAN tries to grab the notebook back, but AU throws it at me, "what are you? A middle scholar!?" ASEAN says as he jumps at me to get the notebook. I looked at the sketch within it and it was in fact a sketch of a robotic arm, "who is this for?" I asked ASEAN as he ripped the sketch from my hands, "no one, I just thought it would be something cool to make, maybe I could donate to an amputee or something," ASEAN says as he shoves his notebook into his backpack, "It's for NATO, isn't it?" "Shut the fuck up, you're going to say he's my boyfriend when he's not! He's just my best friend" "damn, alright, geez, but that's cute how you're making a prosthetic arm for you best friend who you almost always end up listening to him getting railed in the ass by some guy he met at a bar while you both are out drinking," AU says, I couldn't help but laugh, even though my boyfriend was in the hospital, it made me feel better that AU was still able to make jokes about ASEAN and NATO's friendship.

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