Karens and Syringes, my least favorite things

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I sat straight up when I woke, just to yelp in pain and fall back down to my pillow, my back hurt so badly. I glanced around the room I was in, it was a hospital room, 'where is my brother' I thought, wanting to talk to him. I noticed my right arm was in a cast and both of my wings had bandages on them. Then everything that happened to me when I was asleep came back to my mind, I groaned, "oh no, what am I going to do?" I say, "he can't possibly be able to do what he said, right?".

I sat up, pushing through the pain, and I was able to get a better look of my surroundings and myself. My arms and legs were covered with bloody bandages, probably due to the cuts the broken glass gave me. I was wearing one of those hospital gowns, and I was hooked up to an I-v drip, my brother was probably overreacting when he put the I-v drip in. Speaking of my brother, where is he? Wouldn't he be sitting right next to me waiting for me to wake up?

Just then the door opened and WHO walked through the door, and he looked so mad. He stopped and looked at me, slammed the door shut and rushed to my side, "ARE YOU OK?! WHAT HAPPENED!? HOW THE HELL DID YOU BECOME THIS HURT!?", he flung questions at me so fast I didn't even hear half of them, "I'm fine, I'm fine, no need to freak out" I say, laughing a bit at how worried my brother is, "UN you have holes in your wings! How does that even happen!?", "Brother please, I'm fine", "why are you like this, always insisting you're fine when you're not!", I stayed silent at that comment. He sighed, "does anything hurt?" he asked me, I nodded, "my back", "that's probably because your wings are injured", "where were you? I thought you would be right next to me when I woke up?", "I was busy trying to beat up dumbass 1 and dumbass 2", I bonked him on the head, "no swearing!", "owwwww" he wined.

He walked over to his computer and started to type something into it, "um, WHO?", "yea?", "while I was asleep I uh...", "you what?" "I saw him", "you WHAT!?", "I saw LON, and... and he said he was going to make my life horrible with freak accidents that will leave me in the hospital...", "he... he can't possibly be able to do that right?", "I don't know, I mean, I never believed in ghost but if he somehow manages to do that then, well I guess ghost are real". I stare down at the bed, lost in thought, "can I have something to eat?" I ask, I hadn't eaten anything but one waffle today, my brother turns to me and says, "sure, what do you want?", "I don't know, what does the hospital have?", "why would I feed you the hospital food, that stuff sucks", "I guess I want some like chick-fil-a or something", "ok, I'll be back in a little bit, call me if you need anything", he grabbed his keys of the desk and left the room, leaving me all alone with just my thoughts.

~Time Skip~

As WHO came through the door with a bag of Wendy's he said "So apparently the nearest Chick-fil-la burned down so I got Wendy's", "what-", "Ya I don't know, I just pulled up to the Chick-fil-la and it was on fire", "do you think LON did it?", "stop being paranoid brother, it's going to be fine", he hands me the bag and sits at his desk while I eat. "So, um, when can I leave?", I ask, I didn't like being stuck in the hospital for too long, "tomorrow", "when will I be able to fly again, since Ya know, there are holes in them", "it'll be a little while, but don't worry it will heal, though you will have scars", "ok". WHO got up from his chair and began to walk to the door, "well, even though I want to stay with you brother, I have to go care for other patients right now, I'll come by at various times today and once more when I'm about to leave", "alright, see you later brother", he exits the room, closing the door behind him.

~The Next Day~

"EU I can walk Ya know", "I know, but you're injured so I don't want you to walk much", EU had insisted on carrying me to his car when he arrived at the hospital, WHO had asked him to take me home, and even though I said no and that I can walk myself he just picked me up and refused to put me down. "Aww, big brother has a boyfriend" WHO mocked, "shut up WHO!" I yell, my face reddening, "EU put me down!", "no", "why?", "I already told you why", I crossed my arms and glared at EU, 'this is so embarrassing' I think.

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